
fun String, representationProvider: () -> Any? = Text.EMPTY_PROVIDER, groupingActions: ExpectGrouping.() -> Unit): ExpectGrouping(source)

Creates and appends a group based on the given description (optionally representationProvider) and groupingActions and returns an ExpectGrouping.


An ExpectGrouping, allowing to define further subgroups or expectations.





The description of the group.


Optionally, can be specified if an additional representation shall be reported (default is Text.EMPTY_PROVIDER)


Some action which defines what happens within the group (typically, creating some expectations via an expectation-verb such as expect or nesting the grouping further).


fails {

    // You can use `expectGrouped` instead of `expect` in case you have multiple
    // unrelated subjects but want to evaluate/report them together.
    // Use independent `expect` if you want fail fast behaviour instead.
    expectGrouped {

        // you can state multiple `expect` within this ExpectGrouping-block where all `expect` and `group`
        // inside are evaluated together; similar to an expectation-group block.

        val someProperty = 1
            .toBeGreaterThan(5) // fails
            .toBeLessThan(0)    // still evaluated since we are within an ExpectGrouping-block
        // in contrast to a standalone expect where toBeGreaterThan would have
        // failed fast

        // ... however, this `expect` is still evaluated even though the first `expect` failed
        expect(1) {
            // now we are within an expectation-group block. In contrast to an ExpectGrouping-block,
            // we already defined a subject (2) for which we want to state multiple expectations.
            // Likewise, they are evaluated together:

            toBeGreaterThan(5) // fails
            toBeLessThan(0)    // still evaluated, fails as well

        // this group is still evaluated even though the first two `expect` failed
        group("verifying basic properties") {
            // also all expect within a group are evaluated together

            // imagine multiple expect within this group,
            // they are all evaluated even though the first in this group already failed

            // you can nest groups as often as you like
            group("sub-group") {

        // another group which is still evaluated despite all the failures above
        group("verifying edge cases") {

            // you can also use group to structure reporting
            .group("first group") {
                toBeGreaterThan(5) // fails
                toBeLessThan(20)   // still evaluated, holds ...
            } // ... the group as such failed though and since we have not used an
            // expectation-group block for this expect, the following group is not evaluated:
            .group("verifying failing cases") {

    // you can optionally change the default top-level group description
    expectGrouped("Verifying privileged actions") {

fun <T> Expect<T>.group(description: String, representationProvider: () -> Any? = Text.EMPTY_PROVIDER, assertionCreator: Expect<T>.() -> Unit): Expect<T>(source)

Creates and appends a group based on the given description (optionally representationProvider) and assertionCreator and returns an Expect.


an Expect for the subject of this expectation.





The description of the group.


Optionally, can be specified if an additional representation shall be reported (default is Text.EMPTY_PROVIDER)


a provider which states the expectations for the current subject belonging to this newly created group.


fails {

    // You can use `expectGrouped` instead of `expect` in case you have multiple
    // unrelated subjects but want to evaluate/report them together.
    // Use independent `expect` if you want fail fast behaviour instead.
    expectGrouped {

        // you can state multiple `expect` within this ExpectGrouping-block where all `expect` and `group`
        // inside are evaluated together; similar to an expectation-group block.

        val someProperty = 1
            .toBeGreaterThan(5) // fails
            .toBeLessThan(0)    // still evaluated since we are within an ExpectGrouping-block
        // in contrast to a standalone expect where toBeGreaterThan would have
        // failed fast

        // ... however, this `expect` is still evaluated even though the first `expect` failed
        expect(1) {
            // now we are within an expectation-group block. In contrast to an ExpectGrouping-block,
            // we already defined a subject (2) for which we want to state multiple expectations.
            // Likewise, they are evaluated together:

            toBeGreaterThan(5) // fails
            toBeLessThan(0)    // still evaluated, fails as well

        // this group is still evaluated even though the first two `expect` failed
        group("verifying basic properties") {
            // also all expect within a group are evaluated together

            // imagine multiple expect within this group,
            // they are all evaluated even though the first in this group already failed

            // you can nest groups as often as you like
            group("sub-group") {

        // another group which is still evaluated despite all the failures above
        group("verifying edge cases") {

            // you can also use group to structure reporting
            .group("first group") {
                toBeGreaterThan(5) // fails
                toBeLessThan(20)   // still evaluated, holds ...
            } // ... the group as such failed though and since we have not used an
            // expectation-group block for this expect, the following group is not evaluated:
            .group("verifying failing cases") {

    // you can optionally change the default top-level group description
    expectGrouped("Verifying privileged actions") {