
infix inline fun <T> Expect<T>.and(o: o): Expect<T>(source)

Can be used to separate single assertions.

For instance expect(1) toBeLessThan 2 and toBeGreaterThan 0 creates two assertions (not one assertion with two sub-assertions) - the first asserts that 1 is less than 2 and the second asserts that 1 is greater than 0. If the first assertion fails, then the second assertion is not evaluated.


an Expect for the subject of this expectation.





The filler object o.


// `and` is just a filler word does not have any behaviour
expect(13) toBeGreaterThan 5 and o toBeLessThan 20

// i.e. the above is equivalent to:
expect(13) toBeGreaterThan 5 toBeLessThan 20

infix fun <T> Expect<T>.and(assertionCreator: Expect<T>.() -> Unit): Expect<T>(source)

Can be used to create a group of sub assertions when using the fluent API.

For instance expect(1) toBeLessThan 3 and { it toBe even; it toBeGreaterThan 1 } creates two assertions where the second one consists of two sub-assertions. In case the first assertion holds, then the second one is evaluated as a whole. Meaning, even though 1 is not even, it still evaluates that 1 is greater than 1. Hence, the reporting might (depending on the configured Reporter) contain both failing sub-assertions.


an Expect for the subject of this expectation.


expect(13).toBeAnInstanceOf<Int>() and {
    it toBeGreaterThan 5
    it toBeLessThan 20

fails {
    expect(13).toBeAnInstanceOf<Int>() and {
        // introduces an expectation-group block
        // all expectations are evaluated inside an expectations group block; for more details:

        it notToEqualOneOf values(1, 2, 13) // fails
        it toBeLessThan 10                  // still evaluated and included in the error report
        //                                     use ` and o` if you want fail fast behaviour

Defines that the constraint "only the specified entries exist in the IterableLike" shall be applied to this sophisticated to contain in order IterableLike expectation.


The newly created builder.


0.14.0 -- API existed for Iterable but not for IterableLike.

Defines that the constraint "only the specified entries exist in the MapLike" shall be applied to this sophisticated to contain in order MapLike expectation.


The newly created builder.




expect(mapOf(1 to "a")) toContain o inGiven order and only entry (1 to "a")

fails { // because the entry 1="a" (which exists in the subject) is not the only entry
    expect(mapOf(1 to "a", 2 to "b")) toContain o inGiven order and only entry (1 to "a")