
Restricts a contains at least assertion by specifying that the number of occurrences of the value which we are looking for occurs at most number of times within the search input.

The resulting restriction will be a contains at least but at most assertion.


The newly created builder.



The number which the check will compare against the actual number of times an expected value is found in the input of the search.


In case times of this at most restriction equals to the number of the at least restriction; use the exactly restriction instead.

Restricts a contains at least assertion by specifying that the number of occurrences of the entry which we are looking for occurs at most number of times within the IterableLike.

The resulting restriction will be a contains at least but at most assertion.


The newly created builder.


0.14.0 -- API existed for Iterable but not for IterableLike.



The number which the check will compare against the actual number of times an expected entry is found in the IterableLike.


In case times of this at most restriction equals to the number of the at least restriction; use the exactly restriction instead.