
Expects that the subject of this expectation (a Result) is a failure (Result.isFailure) and that it encapsulates a Throwable of type ExpectedThrowableT or a subtype thereof.


An Expect with the new type ExpectedThrowableT


1.1.0 (was in kotlin_1_3 extension since 0.17.0)


val message = "wrong argument"
val failure = Result.failure<Int>(IllegalArgumentException(message))

    .toBeAFailure<IllegalArgumentException>() messageToContain "argument"
//      | subject is now of type IllegalArgumentException

fails { // because sub-expectation fails
    expect(failure).toBeAFailure<IllegalArgumentException>() messageToContain "parameter"

fails { // because wrong Expectation type expected
        .toBeAFailure<ArithmeticException>() messageToContain "parameter"
    //     |                                  | not evaluated/reported because toBeAFailure already fails
    //     |                                  | use `toBeAFailure<...> { ... }` if you want that all expectations are evaluated
    //     | fails

fails { // because it was a Success
        .toBeAFailure<IllegalArgumentException>() messageToContain "parameter"
    //       |                                      | not evaluated/reported because toBeAFailure already fails
    //       |                                      | use `toBeAFailure<...> { ... }` if you want that all expectations are evaluated
    //       | fails

infix inline fun <ExpectedThrowableT : Throwable> Expect<out Result<*>>.toBeAFailure(noinline assertionCreator: Expect<ExpectedThrowableT>.() -> Unit): Expect<ExpectedThrowableT>(source)

Expects that the subject of this expectation (a Result) is a failure (Result.isFailure) , that it encapsulates a Throwable of type ExpectedThrowableT or a subtype thereof and that the ExpectedThrowableT holds all assertions the given assertionCreator creates


An Expect with the new type ExpectedThrowableT


1.1.0 (was in kotlin_1_3 extension since 0.17.0)


val errorMessage = "can not divide by zero"
val failure = Result.failure<Int>(ArithmeticException(errorMessage))

expect(failure).toBeAFailure<ArithmeticException> {  // subject within this expectation-group is of type ArithmeticException
    messageToContain("by zero")
} // subject here is back to type Result<Int>

fails { // because sub-expectation fails
    expect(failure).toBeAFailure<IllegalArgumentException> {
        its messageToContain "parameter" // fails
        its.message toStartWith "wrong"  // still evaluated even though messageToContain already fails
        //                                  use `.toBeAFailure.` if you want a fail fast behaviour

fails { // because wrong Expectation type expected, but since we use an expectation-group...
    expect(failure).toBeAFailure<ArithmeticException> {
        its messageToContain "parameter" // ...reporting mentions that subject's message was expected `to contain: "parameter"``
        //                                  use `.toBeAFailure.` if you want a fail fast behaviour

fails { // because it was a Success, but since we use a block
    expect(Result.success(10)).toBeAFailure<IllegalArgumentException> {
        its messageToContain "parameter" // ...reporting mentions that subject's message was expected `to contain: "parameter"``
        //                                  use `.toBeAFailure.` if you want a fail fast behaviour