
abstract class BaseExpectImpl<T>(val maybeSubject: Option<T>) : ExpectInternal<T> (source)


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constructor(maybeSubject: Option<T>)


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object Companion


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Do not use yet, this is experimental

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open override val maybeSubject: Option<T>

Either Some wrapping the subject of an Assertion or None in case a previous subject transformation could not be carried out.


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abstract fun append(assertion: Assertion): Expect<T>

Appends the given assertion to this container and returns an Expect which includes it.

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open override fun appendAsGroup(assertionCreator: Expect<T>.() -> Unit): Expect<T>

Appends the Assertions the given assertionCreator creates to this container and returns an Expect which includes them.

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open fun createAndAppend(description: Translatable, expected: Any?, test: (T) -> Boolean): Expect<T>
open fun createAndAppend(description: String, expected: Any?, test: (T) -> Boolean): Expect<T>

Creates a DescriptiveAssertion based on the given description, expected and test and appends it to the container.

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open override fun <I : Any> getImpl(kClass: KClass<I>, defaultFactory: () -> I): I

Do not use yet, this is experimental and might change or be removed without prior notice.

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inline fun <I : Any> withImplFactory(noinline implFactory: (oldFactory: () -> I) -> () -> I)