A parameter object used for interactions between AssertionFormatterController and AssertionFormatter.
The StringBuilder to which the formatted Assertion will be appended.
The current prefix per assertion.
The current indentation level.
Can be used to filter out Assertions which should not be formatted.
Can be used to filter out Assertions which should not be formatted.
The StringBuilder to which the formatted Assertion will be appended.
Appends a new line (system separator), spaces equal to the number of indentLevel and the prefix to sb.
Appends a new line (system separator), spaces equal to the number of indentLevel and the prefix to sb.
Creates an AssertionFormatterParameterObject for kind of a child of the current parameter object using the given newPrefix (the child will typically be used to indent Assertions one level more).
Creates an AssertionFormatterParameterObject for kind of a child of the current parameter object using the given newPrefix and an additionalIndent (the child will typically be used to indent Assertions one level more).
Clones the current AssertionFormatterParameterObject and increases numberOfDoNotFilterGroups by one because it is assumed that the resulting parameter object is used to format an AssertionGroup of type DoNotFilterAssertionGroupType.
Clones the current AssertionFormatterParameterObject and increases numberOfDoNotFilterGroups by one because it is assumed that the resulting parameter object is used to format an AssertionGroup of type DoNotFilterAssertionGroupType.
Clones the current AssertionFormatterParameterObject but uses the given newPrefix.
Appends spaces equal to numberOfSpaces to sb.
Indicates that the formatting process is currently not formatting the Assertions (or any nested assertion) of an AssertionGroup of type DoNotFilterAssertionGroupType.
Indicates that the formatting process is currently not formatting the Assertions (or any nested assertion) of an AssertionGroup of type ExplanatoryAssertionGroupType.