
interface Contains(source)

Defines the basic contract for sophisticated contains assertion builders.

The entry point for the contract constitutes a Contains.EntryPointStep. A builder typically allows a user to choose a desired SearchBehaviour, one or more Checkers and uses an Creator to finish the building process.


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interface Checker

Represents a check for the search result such as: the object is contained exactly once in the input of the search.

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The step of choosing/defining Checkers.

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The step of choosing/defining Checkers on the logic level.

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interface Creator<T, in SC>

Represents the final step of a sophisticated contains assertion builder which creates the AssertionGroup as such.

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The entry point of the contract. Use _logic to retrieve the EntryPointStepLogic counterpart in case you want to extend the building process.

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The entry point of the contract, containing the container -- i.e. the subject of this expectation for which the sophisticated contain assertion should be created -- as well as the chosen searchBehaviour.

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interface SearchBehaviour

Represents a search behaviour but leaves it up to the Creator how this behaviour is implemented -- yet, it provides a method to decorate a description (a Translatable) in order that it reflects the search behaviour.