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constructor(entryPointStepLogic: CharSequenceContains.EntryPointStepLogic<T, S>)


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Entry point to the logic level of Atrium -- which is one level deeper than the API -- within the building process of a sophisticated contains assertion for CharSequence.

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open override val checkers: List<NotChecker>

Contains all Checkers which should be applied to the search result.

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The previously chosen EntryPointStep, containing inter alia the AssertionContainer to which the resulting Assertion shall be appended.


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inline fun <T> CharSequenceContains.CheckerStepLogic<*, *>.toVarArg(iterableLike: IterableLike): Pair<T, Array<out T>>

Transforms the given iterableLike to Pair<T, Array<out T>> with the intention that it can be easily used for a function requiring T, vararg T.