
Represents a creator of a sophisticated contains assertions for Iterable where exactly the expected entries have to appear in the specified order and where an entry is identified by an expected object (equality comparison).



The type of the subject of the expectation for which the contains assertion is be build.


The search behaviour -- in this case representing in any order only which is used to decorate the description (a Translatable) which is used for the AssertionGroup.


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constructor(converter: (T) -> Iterable<E>, searchBehaviour: InOrderOnlySearchBehaviour, reportingOptions: InOrderOnlyReportingOptions.() -> Unit)

Represents a creator of a sophisticated contains assertions for Iterable where exactly the expected entries have to appear in the specified order and where an entry is identified by an expected object (equality comparison).


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open override fun AssertionContainer<List<E>>.addSingleEntryAssertion(currentIndex: Int, searchCriterion: E, translatableIndex: DescriptionIterableLikeExpectation)
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override fun createAssertionGroup(container: AssertionContainer<T>, searchCriteria: List<E>): AssertionGroup

Creates an AssertionGroup representing the sophisticated contains assertion for the subject of the given container, based on the given searchCriteria.

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open override fun AssertionContainer<List<E>>.elementAssertionCreator(maybeElement: Option<E>, searchCriterion: E): Assertion