
Collection of assertion functions and builders which are applicable to subjects which can be transformed to a Map - intended for types which are Map like such as IterableLike with an element type Pair.



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abstract fun <T : MapLike, K, V> builderContainsInMapLike(container: AssertionContainer<T>, converter: (T) -> Map<out K, V>): MapLikeContains.EntryPointStep<K, V, T, NoOpSearchBehaviour>
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abstract fun <K, T : MapLike> containsKey(container: AssertionContainer<T>, converter: (T) -> Map<out K, *>, key: K): Assertion
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abstract fun <K, T : MapLike> containsNotKey(container: AssertionContainer<T>, converter: (T) -> Map<out K, *>, key: K): Assertion
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abstract fun <K, V, T : MapLike> getExisting(container: AssertionContainer<T>, converter: (T) -> Map<out K, V>, key: K): FeatureExtractorBuilder.ExecutionStep<T, V>