doc / / keys


val <K, V> Assert<Map<out K, V>>.keys: Assert<Set<K>> (source)

Creates an AssertionPlant for the Assert.subject's property keys so that further fluent calls are assertions about it.

Wrap it into Kotlin's apply if you want to make subsequent assertions on the current subject or use the overload which expects an assertionCreatorOrNull lambda where sub assertions are evaluated together (form an assertion group block).

The newly created AssertionPlant.

infix fun <K, V, T : Map<out K, V>> Assert<T>.keys(assertionCreator: Assert<Set<K>>.() -> Unit): AssertionPlant<T> (source)

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject's property keys holds all assertions the given assertionCreator might create.


AssertionError - Might throw an AssertionError if a created Assertions (by calling assertionCreator) does not hold.

This plant to support a fluent API.