doc / ch.tutteli.atrium.creating / AssertionPlant


interface AssertionPlant<out T : Any> : BaseAssertionPlant<T, AssertionPlant<T>> (source)

Represents a plant for Assertions based on a non nullable subject.

It is the entry point for most assertion functions and provides only a reduced set of ReportingAssertionPlant which is actually created when a user of Atrium is using an assertion verb function.


T - The type of the subject of this AssertionPlant.

Inherited Properties


open val maybeSubject: Option<T>

Either Some wrapping the subject of an Assertion or None in case a previous subject change could not be carried out.


abstract val subjectProvider: () -> T

The provider which provides subject.



abstract fun addAssertionsCreatedBy(assertionCreator: AssertionPlant<T>.() -> Unit): AssertionPlant<T>

Adds the assertions created by the assertionCreator lambda to this plant.


open fun createAndAddAssertion(description: Translatable, expected: Any, test: () -> Boolean): AssertionPlant<T>

Creates a DescriptiveAssertion based on the given description, expected and test and adds it to the plant.

Inherited Functions


abstract fun addAssertion(assertion: Assertion): A

Adds the given assertion to this plant.

Extension Properties


val <T : Any> AssertionPlant<T>.and: AssertionPlant<T>

Can be used to separate assertions when using the fluent API.


val <T : Any> AssertionPlant<T>.and: AssertionPlant<T>

Can be used to separate assertions when using the fluent API.


val <T : CharSequence> Assert<T>.contains: CharSequenceContains.Builder<T, NoOpSearchBehaviour>

Creates a CharSequenceContains.Builder based on this AssertionPlant which allows to define more sophisticated contains assertions.


val <T : CharSequence> Assert<T>.contains: CharSequenceContains.Builder<T, NoOpSearchBehaviour>

Creates a CharSequenceContains.Builder based on this AssertionPlant which allows to define more sophisticated contains assertions.


val <T : CharSequence> Assert<T>.containsNot: NotCheckerOption<T, NotSearchBehaviour>

Creates a CharSequenceContains.Builder based on this AssertionPlant which allows to define more sophisticated contains not assertions.


val <T : CharSequence> Assert<T>.containsNot: NotCheckerOption<T, NotSearchBehaviour>

Creates a CharSequenceContains.Builder based on this AssertionPlant which allows to define more sophisticated contains not assertions.


val <T : CharSequence> Assert<T>.enthaelt: CharSequenceContains.Builder<T, NoOpSearchBehaviour>

Creates a CharSequenceContains.Builder based on this AssertionPlant which allows to define more sophisticated contains assertions.


val <T : CharSequence> Assert<T>.enthaeltNicht: NotCheckerOption<T, NotSearchBehaviour>

Creates a CharSequenceContains.Builder based on this AssertionPlant which allows to define more sophisticated contains not assertions.


val <K : Any> Assert<Pair<K, *>>.first: Assert<K>

Creates an AssertionPlant for the Assert.subject's property first so that further fluent calls are assertions about it.


val <K : Any> Assert<Pair<K, *>>.first: Assert<K>

Creates an AssertionPlant for the Assert.subject's property first so that further fluent calls are assertions about it.


val <K : Any> Assert<Pair<K, *>>.first: Assert<K>

Creates an AssertionPlant for the Assert.subject's property first so that further fluent calls are assertions about it.


val <K : Any> Assert<Entry<K, *>>.key: Assert<K>

Creates an AssertionPlant for the Assert.subject's property key so that further fluent calls are assertions about it.


val <K : Any> Assert<Entry<K, *>>.key: Assert<K>

Creates an AssertionPlant for the Assert.subject's property key so that further fluent calls are assertions about it.


val <K : Any> Assert<Entry<K, *>>.key: Assert<K>

Creates an AssertionPlant for the Assert.subject's property key so that further fluent calls are assertions about it.


val <K, V> Assert<Map<out K, V>>.keys: Assert<Set<K>>

Creates an AssertionPlant for the Assert.subject's property keys so that further fluent calls are assertions about it.


val <K> Assert<Map<K, *>>.keys: Assert<Set<K>>

Creates an AssertionPlant for the Assert.subject's property keys so that further fluent calls are assertions about it.


val <K, V> Assert<Map<out K, V>>.keys: Assert<Set<K>>

Creates an AssertionPlant for the Assert.subject's property keys so that further fluent calls are assertions about it.


val <T : Any> Assert<T>.o: Assert<T>

Inline property referring actually to this and allows to write nicer sub-assertions.


val <V : Any> Assert<Pair<*, V>>.second: Assert<V>

Creates an AssertionPlant for the Assert.subject's property second so that further fluent calls are assertions about it.


val <V : Any> Assert<Pair<*, V>>.second: Assert<V>

Creates an AssertionPlant for the Assert.subject's property second so that further fluent calls are assertions about it.


val <V : Any> Assert<Pair<*, V>>.second: Assert<V>

Creates an AssertionPlant for the Assert.subject's property second so that further fluent calls are assertions about it.


val Assert<Collection<*>>.size: Assert<Int>

Creates an AssertionPlant for the Assert.subject's property size so that further fluent calls are assertions about it.


val Assert<Collection<*>>.size: Assert<Int>

Creates an AssertionPlant for the Assert.subject's property size so that further fluent calls are assertions about it.


val Assert<Collection<*>>.size: Assert<Int>

Creates an AssertionPlant for the Assert.subject's property size so that further fluent calls are assertions about it.


val <T : Any> Assert<T>.und: Assert<T>

Can be used to separate assertions when using the fluent API.


val <V : Any> Assert<Entry<*, V>>.value: Assert<V>

Creates an AssertionPlant for the Assert.subject's property value so that further fluent calls are assertions about it.


val <V : Any> Assert<Entry<*, V>>.value: Assert<V>

Creates an AssertionPlant for the Assert.subject's property value so that further fluent calls are assertions about it.


val <V : Any> Assert<Entry<*, V>>.value: Assert<V>

Creates an AssertionPlant for the Assert.subject's property value so that further fluent calls are assertions about it.


val <K, V> Assert<Map<out K, V>>.values: Assert<Collection<V>>

Creates an AssertionPlant for the Assert.subject's property values so that further fluent calls are assertions about it.


val <V> Assert<Map<*, V>>.values: Assert<Collection<V>>

Creates an AssertionPlant for the Assert.subject's property values so that further fluent calls are assertions about it.


val <K, V> Assert<Map<out K, V>>.values: Assert<Collection<V>>

Creates an AssertionPlant for the Assert.subject's property values so that further fluent calls are assertions about it.

Extension Functions


fun <E : Any, T : Iterable<E?>> Assert<T>.all(assertionCreatorOrNull: (Assert<E>.() -> Unit)?): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject has at least one element and that every element holds all assertions created by the assertionCreatorOrNull or that all elements are null in case assertionCreatorOrNull is defined as null.


infix fun <E : Any, T : Iterable<E?>> Assert<T>.all(assertionCreatorOrNull: (Assert<E>.() -> Unit)?): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject has at least one element and that every element holds all assertions created by the assertionCreatorOrNull or that all elements are null in case assertionCreatorOrNull is defined as null.

infix fun <E : Any, T : Iterable<E?>> Assert<T>.all(nullableEntry: NullableEntry<E>): AssertionPlant<T>


fun <E : Any, T : Iterable<E?>> Assert<T>.alle(assertionCreatorOrNull: (Assert<E>.() -> Unit)?): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject has at least one element and that every element holds all assertions created by the assertionCreatorOrNull or that all elements are null in case assertionCreatorOrNull is defined as null.


fun <E : Any, T : Iterable<E?>> Assert<T>.alleDerNullable(assertionCreatorOrNull: (Assert<E>.() -> Unit)?): AssertionPlant<T>


fun <E : Any, T : Iterable<E?>> Assert<T>.allOfNullable(assertionCreatorOrNull: (Assert<E>.() -> Unit)?): AssertionPlant<T>


infix fun <T : Any> AssertionPlant<T>.and(assertionCreator: Assert<T>.() -> Unit): AssertionPlant<T>

Can be used to create a group of sub assertions when using the fluent API.


infix fun <T : Any> AssertionPlant<T>.and(assertionCreator: Assert<T>.() -> Unit): AssertionPlant<T>

Can be used to create a group of sub assertions when using the fluent API.


infix fun <T : Any> AssertionPlant<T>.and(assertionCreator: Assert<T>.() -> Unit): AssertionPlant<T>

Can be used to create a group of sub assertions when using the fluent API.


infix fun <T : Any> AssertionPlant<T>.and(assertionCreator: Assert<T>.() -> Unit): AssertionPlant<T>

Can be used to create a group of sub assertions when using the fluent API.


fun <E : Any, T : Iterable<E?>> Assert<T>.any(assertionCreatorOrNull: (Assert<E>.() -> Unit)?): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject contains an entry holding the assertions created by assertionCreatorOrNull or an entry which is null in case assertionCreatorOrNull is defined as null.


infix fun <E : Any, T : Iterable<E?>> Assert<T>.any(assertionCreatorOrNull: (Assert<E>.() -> Unit)?): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject contains an entry holding the assertions created by the assertionCreatorOrNull or an entry which is null in case assertionCreatorOrNull is defined as null.

infix fun <E : Any, T : Iterable<E?>> Assert<T>.any(nullableEntry: NullableEntry<E>): AssertionPlant<T>


fun <E : Any, T : Iterable<E?>> Assert<T>.anyOfNullable(assertionCreatorOrNull: (Assert<E>.() -> Unit)?): AssertionPlant<T>


fun <K, V> Assert<Map<out K, V>>.asEntries(): Assert<Set<Entry<K, V>>>

Turns Assert<Map<out K, V>> into Assert<Set<Map.Entry<K, V>>>.

fun <K, V> Assert<Map<out K, V>>.asEntries(assertionCreator: Assert<Set<Entry<K, V>>>.() -> Unit): Assert<Set<Entry<K, V>>>

Turns Assert<Map<out K, V>> into Assert<Set<Map.Entry<K, V>>> and makes the assertion that the assertions the given assertionCreator might create hold.


fun <K, V> Assert<Map<out K, V>>.asEntries(): Assert<Set<Entry<K, V>>>

Turns Assert<Map<K, V>> into Assert<Set<Map.Entry<K, V>>>.

fun <K, V> Assert<Map<out K, V>>.asEntries(assertionCreator: Assert<Set<Entry<K, V>>>.() -> Unit): Assert<Set<Entry<K, V>>>

Turns Assert<Map<K, V>> into Assert<Set<Map.Entry<K, V>>> and makes the assertion that the assertions the given assertionCreator might create hold.


fun <K, V> Assert<Map<out K, V>>.asEntries(): Assert<Set<Entry<K, V>>>

Turns Assert<Map<out K, V>> into Assert<Set<Map.Entry<K, V>>>.

infix fun <K, V> Assert<Map<out K, V>>.asEntries(assertionCreator: Assert<Set<Entry<K, V>>>.() -> Unit): Assert<Set<Entry<K, V>>>

Turns Assert<Map<out K, V>> into Assert<Set<Map.Entry<K, V>>> and makes the assertion that the assertions the given assertionCreator might create hold.


fun <T, A : BaseAssertionPlant<T, *>> A.asExpect(): Expect<T>

Turns Assert or AssertionPlantNullable into an Expect so that you can use new functionality which is not available on Assert/AssertionPlantNullable.


fun <E> Assert<Array<out E>>.asIterable(): Assert<Iterable<E>>

Turns Assert<Array<E>> into Assert<Iterable<E>>.

fun <E> Assert<Array<out E>>.asIterable(assertionCreator: Assert<Iterable<E>>.() -> Unit): Assert<Iterable<E>>

Turns Assert<Array<E>> into Assert<Iterable<E>> and makes the assertion that the assertions the given assertionCreator might create hold.

fun Assert<ByteArray>.asIterable(): Assert<Iterable<Byte>>

Turns Assert<CharArray> into Assert<Iterable<Byte>>.

fun Assert<ByteArray>.asIterable(assertionCreator: Assert<Iterable<Byte>>.() -> Unit): Assert<Iterable<Byte>>

Turns Assert<CharArray> into Assert<Iterable<Byte>> and makes the assertion that the assertions the given assertionCreator might create hold.

fun Assert<CharArray>.asIterable(): Assert<Iterable<Char>>

Turns Assert<CharArray> into Assert<Iterable<Char>>.

fun Assert<CharArray>.asIterable(assertionCreator: Assert<Iterable<Char>>.() -> Unit): Assert<Iterable<Char>>

Turns Assert<CharArray> into Assert<Iterable<Char>> and makes the assertion that the assertions the given assertionCreator might create hold.

fun Assert<ShortArray>.asIterable(): Assert<Iterable<Short>>

Turns Assert<ShortArray> into Assert<Iterable<Short>>.

fun Assert<ShortArray>.asIterable(assertionCreator: Assert<Iterable<Short>>.() -> Unit): Assert<Iterable<Short>>

Turns Assert<ShortArray> into Assert<Iterable<Short>> and makes the assertion that the assertions the given assertionCreator might create hold.

fun Assert<IntArray>.asIterable(): Assert<Iterable<Int>>

Turns Assert<IntArray> into Assert<Iterable<Int>>.

fun Assert<IntArray>.asIterable(assertionCreator: Assert<Iterable<Int>>.() -> Unit): Assert<Iterable<Int>>

Turns Assert<IntArray> into Assert<Iterable<Int>> and makes the assertion that the assertions the given assertionCreator might create hold.

fun Assert<LongArray>.asIterable(): Assert<Iterable<Long>>

Turns Assert<LongArray> into Assert<Iterable<Double>>.

fun Assert<LongArray>.asIterable(assertionCreator: Assert<Iterable<Long>>.() -> Unit): Assert<Iterable<Long>>

Turns Assert<LongArray> into Assert<Iterable<Double>> and makes the assertion that the assertions the given assertionCreator might create hold.

fun Assert<FloatArray>.asIterable(): Assert<Iterable<Float>>

Turns Assert<FloatArray> into Assert<Iterable<Float>>.

fun Assert<FloatArray>.asIterable(assertionCreator: Assert<Iterable<Float>>.() -> Unit): Assert<Iterable<Float>>

Turns Assert<FloatArray> into Assert<Iterable<Float>> and makes the assertion that the assertions the given assertionCreator might create hold.

fun Assert<DoubleArray>.asIterable(): Assert<Iterable<Double>>

Turns Assert<DoubleArray> into Assert<Iterable<Double>>.

fun Assert<DoubleArray>.asIterable(assertionCreator: Assert<Iterable<Double>>.() -> Unit): Assert<Iterable<Double>>

Turns Assert<DoubleArray> into Assert<Iterable<Double>> and makes the assertion that the assertions the given assertionCreator might create hold.

fun Assert<BooleanArray>.asIterable(): Assert<Iterable<Boolean>>

Turns Assert<BooleanArray> into Assert<Iterable<Boolean>>.

fun Assert<BooleanArray>.asIterable(assertionCreator: Assert<Iterable<Boolean>>.() -> Unit): Assert<Iterable<Boolean>>

Turns Assert<BooleanArray> into Assert<Iterable<Boolean>> and makes the assertion that the assertions the given assertionCreator might create hold.

fun <E> Assert<Sequence<E>>.asIterable(): Assert<Iterable<E>>

Turns Assert<Sequence<E>> into Assert<Iterable<E>>.


fun <E> Assert<Array<out E>>.asIterable(): Assert<Iterable<E>>

Turns Assert<Array<E>> into Assert<Iterable<E>>.

fun <E> Assert<Array<out E>>.asIterable(assertionCreator: Assert<Iterable<E>>.() -> Unit): Assert<Iterable<E>>

Turns Assert<Array<E>> into Assert<Iterable<E>> and makes the assertion that the assertions the given assertionCreator might create hold.

fun Assert<ByteArray>.asIterable(): Assert<Iterable<Byte>>

Turns Assert<CharArray> into Assert<Iterable<Byte>>.

fun Assert<ByteArray>.asIterable(assertionCreator: Assert<Iterable<Byte>>.() -> Unit): Assert<Iterable<Byte>>

Turns Assert<CharArray> into Assert<Iterable<Byte>> and makes the assertion that the assertions the given assertionCreator might create hold.

fun Assert<CharArray>.asIterable(): Assert<Iterable<Char>>

Turns Assert<CharArray> into Assert<Iterable<Char>>.

fun Assert<CharArray>.asIterable(assertionCreator: Assert<Iterable<Char>>.() -> Unit): Assert<Iterable<Char>>

Turns Assert<CharArray> into Assert<Iterable<Char>> and makes the assertion that the assertions the given assertionCreator might create hold.

fun Assert<ShortArray>.asIterable(): Assert<Iterable<Short>>

Turns Assert<ShortArray> into Assert<Iterable<Short>>.

fun Assert<ShortArray>.asIterable(assertionCreator: Assert<Iterable<Short>>.() -> Unit): Assert<Iterable<Short>>

Turns Assert<ShortArray> into Assert<Iterable<Short>> and makes the assertion that the assertions the given assertionCreator might create hold.

fun Assert<IntArray>.asIterable(): Assert<Iterable<Int>>

Turns Assert<IntArray> into Assert<Iterable<Int>>.

fun Assert<IntArray>.asIterable(assertionCreator: Assert<Iterable<Int>>.() -> Unit): Assert<Iterable<Int>>

Turns Assert<IntArray> into Assert<Iterable<Int>> and makes the assertion that the assertions the given assertionCreator might create hold.

fun Assert<LongArray>.asIterable(): Assert<Iterable<Long>>

Turns Assert<LongArray> into Assert<Iterable<Double>>.

fun Assert<LongArray>.asIterable(assertionCreator: Assert<Iterable<Long>>.() -> Unit): Assert<Iterable<Long>>

Turns Assert<LongArray> into Assert<Iterable<Double>> and makes the assertion that the assertions the given assertionCreator might create hold.

fun Assert<FloatArray>.asIterable(): Assert<Iterable<Float>>

Turns Assert<FloatArray> into Assert<Iterable<Float>>.

fun Assert<FloatArray>.asIterable(assertionCreator: Assert<Iterable<Float>>.() -> Unit): Assert<Iterable<Float>>

Turns Assert<FloatArray> into Assert<Iterable<Float>> and makes the assertion that the assertions the given assertionCreator might create hold.

fun Assert<DoubleArray>.asIterable(): Assert<Iterable<Double>>

Turns Assert<DoubleArray> into Assert<Iterable<Double>>.

fun Assert<DoubleArray>.asIterable(assertionCreator: Assert<Iterable<Double>>.() -> Unit): Assert<Iterable<Double>>

Turns Assert<DoubleArray> into Assert<Iterable<Double>> and makes the assertion that the assertions the given assertionCreator might create hold.

fun Assert<BooleanArray>.asIterable(): Assert<Iterable<Boolean>>

Turns Assert<BooleanArray> into Assert<Iterable<Boolean>>.

fun Assert<BooleanArray>.asIterable(assertionCreator: Assert<Iterable<Boolean>>.() -> Unit): Assert<Iterable<Boolean>>

Turns Assert<BooleanArray> into Assert<Iterable<Boolean>> and makes the assertion that the assertions the given assertionCreator might create hold.

fun <E> Assert<Sequence<E>>.asIterable(): Assert<Iterable<E>>

Turns Assert<Sequence<E>> into Assert<Iterable<E>>.


fun <E> Assert<Array<out E>>.asIterable(): Assert<Iterable<E>>

Turns Assert<Array<E>> into Assert<Iterable<E>>.

infix fun <E> Assert<Array<out E>>.asIterable(assertionCreator: Assert<Iterable<E>>.() -> Unit): Assert<Iterable<E>>

Turns Assert<Array<E>> into Assert<Iterable<E>> and makes the assertion that the assertions the given assertionCreator might create hold.

fun Assert<ByteArray>.asIterable(): Assert<Iterable<Byte>>

Turns Assert<CharArray> into Assert<Iterable<Byte>>.

infix fun Assert<ByteArray>.asIterable(assertionCreator: Assert<Iterable<Byte>>.() -> Unit): Assert<Iterable<Byte>>

Turns Assert<CharArray> into Assert<Iterable<Byte>> and makes the assertion that the assertions the given assertionCreator might create hold.

fun Assert<CharArray>.asIterable(): Assert<Iterable<Char>>

Turns Assert<CharArray> into Assert<Iterable<Char>>.

infix fun Assert<CharArray>.asIterable(assertionCreator: Assert<Iterable<Char>>.() -> Unit): Assert<Iterable<Char>>

Turns Assert<CharArray> into Assert<Iterable<Char>> and makes the assertion that the assertions the given assertionCreator might create hold.

fun Assert<ShortArray>.asIterable(): Assert<Iterable<Short>>

Turns Assert<ShortArray> into Assert<Iterable<Short>>.

infix fun Assert<ShortArray>.asIterable(assertionCreator: Assert<Iterable<Short>>.() -> Unit): Assert<Iterable<Short>>

Turns Assert<ShortArray> into Assert<Iterable<Short>> and makes the assertion that the assertions the given assertionCreator might create hold.

fun Assert<IntArray>.asIterable(): Assert<Iterable<Int>>

Turns Assert<IntArray> into Assert<Iterable<Int>>.

infix fun Assert<IntArray>.asIterable(assertionCreator: Assert<Iterable<Int>>.() -> Unit): Assert<Iterable<Int>>

Turns Assert<IntArray> into Assert<Iterable<Int>> and makes the assertion that the assertions the given assertionCreator might create hold.

fun Assert<LongArray>.asIterable(): Assert<Iterable<Long>>

Turns Assert<LongArray> into Assert<Iterable<Double>>.

infix fun Assert<LongArray>.asIterable(assertionCreator: Assert<Iterable<Long>>.() -> Unit): Assert<Iterable<Long>>

Turns Assert<LongArray> into Assert<Iterable<Double>> and makes the assertion that the assertions the given assertionCreator might create hold.

fun Assert<FloatArray>.asIterable(): Assert<Iterable<Float>>

Turns Assert<FloatArray> into Assert<Iterable<Float>>.

infix fun Assert<FloatArray>.asIterable(assertionCreator: Assert<Iterable<Float>>.() -> Unit): Assert<Iterable<Float>>

Turns Assert<FloatArray> into Assert<Iterable<Float>> and makes the assertion that the assertions the given assertionCreator might create hold.

fun Assert<DoubleArray>.asIterable(): Assert<Iterable<Double>>

Turns Assert<DoubleArray> into Assert<Iterable<Double>>.

infix fun Assert<DoubleArray>.asIterable(assertionCreator: Assert<Iterable<Double>>.() -> Unit): Assert<Iterable<Double>>

Turns Assert<DoubleArray> into Assert<Iterable<Double>> and makes the assertion that the assertions the given assertionCreator might create hold.

fun Assert<BooleanArray>.asIterable(): Assert<Iterable<Boolean>>

Turns Assert<BooleanArray> into Assert<Iterable<Boolean>>.

infix fun Assert<BooleanArray>.asIterable(assertionCreator: Assert<Iterable<Boolean>>.() -> Unit): Assert<Iterable<Boolean>>

Turns Assert<BooleanArray> into Assert<Iterable<Boolean>> and makes the assertion that the assertions the given assertionCreator might create hold.

fun <E> Assert<Sequence<E>>.asIterable(): Assert<Iterable<E>>

Turns Assert<Sequence<E>> into Assert<Iterable<E>>.


fun <T : Any, R : Any> Assert<T>.assert(newSubject: R): Assert<R>


fun <T : Any, R : Any> Assert<T>.assertThat(newSubject: R): Assert<R>


fun <T : CharSequence> Assert<T>.beginntMit(expected: CharSequence): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject starts with expected.


fun <T : CharSequence> Assert<T>.beginntNichtMit(expected: CharSequence): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject does not start with expected.


fun <T : CharSequence> Assert<T>.contains(expected: Any, vararg otherExpected: Any): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject contains expected's toString representation and the toString representation of the otherExpected (if given), using a non disjoint search.

fun <E, T : Iterable<E>> Assert<T>.contains(expected: E, vararg otherExpected: E): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject contains expected and the otherExpected (if given).

fun <E : Any, T : Iterable<E>> Assert<T>.contains(assertionCreator: Assert<E>.() -> Unit, vararg otherAssertionCreators: Assert<E>.() -> Unit): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject contains an entry holding the assertions created by the assertionCreator and an additional entry for each otherAssertionCreators (if given) where it does not matter in which order the entries appear.


infix fun <T : CharSequence> Assert<T>.contains(expected: Any): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject contains the toString representation of the given expected using a non disjoint search.

infix fun <T : CharSequence> Assert<T>.contains(values: Values<Any>): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject contains the given values representation using a non disjoint search.

infix fun <T : CharSequence> Assert<T>.contains(defaultTranslationOf: DefaultTranslationsOf): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject contains DefaultTranslationsOf.expected's getDefault representation and the getDefault representations of the DefaultTranslationsOf.otherExpected (if given), using a non disjoint search.

infix fun <T : CharSequence> Assert<T>.contains(patterns: RegexPatterns): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject contains a sequence which matches the given patterns using a non disjoint search.

infix fun <E, T : Iterable<E>> Assert<T>.contains(expected: E): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject contains the expected value.

infix fun <E, T : Iterable<E>> Assert<T>.contains(values: Values<E>): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject contains the expected values.

infix fun <E, T : Iterable<E>> Assert<T>.contains(objects: Objects<E>): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject contains the expected objects.

infix fun <E : Any, T : Iterable<E>> Assert<T>.contains(assertionCreator: Assert<E>.() -> Unit): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject contains an entry holding the assertions created by the assertionCreator where it does not matter in which order the entries appear.

infix fun <E : Any, T : Iterable<E>> Assert<T>.contains(entries: Entries<E, Assert<E>.() -> Unit>): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject contains an entry holding the assertions created by the Entries.assertionCreator and an additional entry for each Entries.otherAssertionCreators (if given) where it does not matter in which order the entries appear.


fun <T : CharSequence> Assert<T>.contains(expected: Any, vararg otherExpected: Any): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject contains expected's toString representation and the toString representation of the otherExpected (if given), using a non disjoint search.

fun <E, T : Iterable<E>> Assert<T>.contains(expected: E, vararg otherExpected: E): AssertionPlant<T>

c Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject contains the expected value and the otherExpected values (if given).

fun <E : Any, T : Iterable<E?>> Assert<T>.contains(assertionCreatorOrNull: (Assert<E>.() -> Unit)?): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject contains an entry holding the assertions created by assertionCreatorOrNull or an entry which is null in case assertionCreatorOrNull is defined as null.

fun <E : Any, T : Iterable<E?>> Assert<T>.contains(assertionCreatorOrNull: (Assert<E>.() -> Unit)?, vararg otherAssertionCreatorsOrNulls: (Assert<E>.() -> Unit)?): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject contains an entry holding the assertions created by assertionCreatorOrNull or an entry which is null in case assertionCreatorOrNull is defined as null -- likewise an entry (can be the same) is searched for each of the otherAssertionCreatorsOrNulls.

fun <K, V, T : Map<out K, V>> Assert<T>.contains(keyValuePair: Pair<K, V>, vararg otherPairs: Pair<K, V>): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject contains a key as defined by keyValuePair's Pair.first with a corresponding value as defined by keyValuePair's Pair.second -- optionally the same assertions are created for the otherPairs.

fun <K, V : Any, T : Map<out K, V?>> Assert<T>.contains(keyValue: KeyValue<K, V>, vararg otherKeyValues: KeyValue<K, V>): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject contains a key as defined by keyValue's KeyValue.key with a corresponding value which either holds all assertions keyValue's KeyValue.valueAssertionCreatorOrNull might create or needs to be null in case KeyValue.valueAssertionCreatorOrNull is defined as null -- optionally the same assertions are created for the otherKeyValues.


infix fun <T : CharSequence> Assert<T>.contains(expected: Any): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject contains the toString representation of the given expected using a non disjoint search.

infix fun <T : CharSequence> Assert<T>.contains(values: Values<Any>): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject contains the given values representation using a non disjoint search.

infix fun <T : CharSequence> Assert<T>.contains(patterns: RegexPatterns): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject contains a sequence which matches the given patterns using a non disjoint search.

infix fun <E, T : Iterable<E>> Assert<T>.contains(expected: E): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject contains the expected value.

infix fun <E, T : Iterable<E>> Assert<T>.contains(values: Values<E>): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject contains the expected values.

infix fun <E : Any, T : Iterable<E?>> Assert<T>.contains(assertionCreatorOrNull: (Assert<E>.() -> Unit)?): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject contains an entry holding the assertions created by assertionCreatorOrNull or an entry which is null in case assertionCreatorOrNull is defined as null.

infix fun <E : Any, T : Iterable<E?>> Assert<T>.contains(entries: Entries<E>): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject contains an entry holding the assertions created by entries.assertionCreatorOrNull or an entry which is null in case entries.assertionCreatorOrNull is defined as null -- likewise an entry (can be the same) is searched for each of the entries.otherAssertionCreatorsOrNulls.

infix fun <K, V, T : Map<out K, V>> Assert<T>.contains(keyValuePair: Pair<K, V>): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject contains a key as defined by keyValuePair's Pair.first with a corresponding value as defined by keyValuePair's Pair.second.

infix fun <K, V, T : Map<out K, V>> Assert<T>.contains(keyValuePairs: Pairs<K, V>): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject contains for each entry in keyValuePairs, a key as defined by entry's Pair.first with a corresponding value as defined by entry's Pair.second.

infix fun <K, V : Any, T : Map<out K, V?>> Assert<T>.contains(keyValue: KeyValue<K, V>): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject contains a key as defined by keyValue's KeyValue.key with a corresponding value which either holds all assertions keyValue's KeyValue.valueAssertionCreatorOrNull might create or needs to be null in case KeyValue.valueAssertionCreatorOrNull is defined as null.

infix fun <K, V : Any, T : Map<out K, V?>> Assert<T>.contains(keyValues: All<KeyValue<K, V>>): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that for each of the KeyValue in keyValues, the Assert.subject contains a key as defined by keyValue's KeyValue.key with a corresponding value which either holds all assertions keyValue's KeyValue.valueAssertionCreatorOrNull might create or needs to be null in case KeyValue.valueAssertionCreatorOrNull is defined as null.

infix fun <E, T : Iterable<E>> Assert<T>.contains(nullableValue: NullableValue<E>): AssertionPlant<T>
infix fun <E, T : Iterable<E>> Assert<T>.contains(nullableValues: NullableValues<E>): AssertionPlant<T>
infix fun <E : Any, T : Iterable<E?>> Assert<T>.contains(nullableEntry: NullableEntry<E>): AssertionPlant<T>
infix fun <E : Any, T : Iterable<E?>> Assert<T>.contains(nullableEntries: NullableEntries<E>): AssertionPlant<T>


fun <T : CharSequence> Assert<T>.containsDefaultTranslationOf(expected: Translatable, vararg otherExpected: Translatable): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject contains expected's getDefault representation and the getDefault representations of the otherExpected (if given), using a non disjoint search.


infix fun <T : CharSequence> Assert<T>.containsDefaultTranslationOf(translatable: Translatable): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject contains the getDefault representation of the given translatable.


fun <E, T : Iterable<E>> Assert<T>.containsExactly(expected: E, vararg otherExpected: E): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject contains only the expected value and the otherExpected values (if given) in the defined order.

fun <E : Any, T : Iterable<E?>> Assert<T>.containsExactly(assertionCreatorOrNull: (Assert<E>.() -> Unit)?): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject contains only an entry holding the assertions created by assertionCreatorOrNull or only one entry which is null in case assertionCreatorOrNull is defined as null.

fun <E : Any, T : Iterable<E?>> Assert<T>.containsExactly(assertionCreatorOrNull: (Assert<E>.() -> Unit)?, vararg otherAssertionCreatorsOrNulls: (Assert<E>.() -> Unit)?): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject contains only an entry holding the assertions created by assertionCreatorOrNull or null in case assertionCreatorOrNull is defined as null and likewise an additional entry for each otherAssertionCreatorsOrNulls (if given) whereas the entries have to appear in the defined order.


infix fun <E, T : Iterable<E>> Assert<T>.containsExactly(expected: E): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject contains only the expected value.

infix fun <E, T : Iterable<E>> Assert<T>.containsExactly(values: Values<E>): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject contains only the expected values in the defined order.

infix fun <E : Any, T : Iterable<E?>> Assert<T>.containsExactly(assertionCreatorOrNull: (Assert<E>.() -> Unit)?): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject contains only one entry which is holding the assertions created by assertionCreatorOrNull or only one entry which is null in case assertionCreatorOrNull is defined as null.

infix fun <E : Any, T : Iterable<E?>> Assert<T>.containsExactly(entries: Entries<E>): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject contains only an entry holding the assertions created by entries.assertionCreatorOrNull or null in case entries.assertionCreatorOrNull is defined as null and likewise an additional entry for each entries.otherAssertionCreatorsOrNulls (if given) whereas the entries have to appear in the defined order.


fun <K> Assert<Map<out K, *>>.containsKey(key: K): AssertionPlant<Map<out K, *>>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject contains the given key.


infix fun <K> Assert<Map<out K, *>>.containsKey(key: K): AssertionPlant<Map<out K, *>>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject contains the given key.


fun <T : CharSequence> Assert<T>.containsNot(expected: Any, vararg otherExpected: Any): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject does not contain expected's toString representation and neither one of the otherExpected's toString representation (if given).

fun <E, T : Iterable<E>> Assert<T>.containsNot(expected: E, vararg otherExpected: E): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject does not contain expected and neither one of the otherExpected (if given).


infix fun <T : CharSequence> Assert<T>.containsNot(expected: Any): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject does not expected's toString representation.

infix fun <T : CharSequence> Assert<T>.containsNot(values: Values<Any>): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject does not contain the toString representation of the given values.

infix fun <T : CharSequence> Assert<T>.containsNot(defaultTranslationsOf: DefaultTranslationsOf): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject does not contain DefaultTranslationsOf.expected's getDefault representation and neither one of the DefaultTranslationsOf.otherExpected's getDefault representation (if given).

infix fun <E, T : Iterable<E>> Assert<T>.containsNot(expected: E): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject does not contain the expected value.

infix fun <E, T : Iterable<E>> Assert<T>.containsNot(values: Values<E>): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject does not contain the expected values.

infix fun <E, T : Iterable<E>> Assert<T>.containsNot(objects: Objects<E>): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject does not contain the expected objects.


fun <T : CharSequence> Assert<T>.containsNot(expected: Any, vararg otherExpected: Any): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject does not contain expected's toString representation and neither one of the otherExpected's toString representation (if given).

fun <E, T : Iterable<E>> Assert<T>.containsNot(expected: E, vararg otherExpected: E): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject does not contain the expected value and neither one of the otherExpected values (if given).


infix fun <T : CharSequence> Assert<T>.containsNot(expected: Any): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject does not expected's toString representation.

infix fun <T : CharSequence> Assert<T>.containsNot(values: Values<Any>): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject does not contain the toString representation of the given values.

infix fun <E, T : Iterable<E>> Assert<T>.containsNot(expected: E): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject does not contain the expected value.

infix fun <E, T : Iterable<E>> Assert<T>.containsNot(values: Values<E>): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject does not contain the expected values.


fun <T : CharSequence> Assert<T>.containsNotDefaultTranslationOf(expected: Translatable, vararg otherExpected: Translatable): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject does not contain expected's getDefault representation and neither one of the otherExpected's getDefault representation (if given).


fun <K> Assert<Map<out K, *>>.containsNotKey(key: K): AssertionPlant<Map<out K, *>>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject does not contain the given key.


infix fun <K> Assert<Map<out K, *>>.containsNotKey(key: K): AssertionPlant<Map<out K, *>>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject does not contain the given key.


fun <E : Any, T : Iterable<E?>> Assert<T>.containsNullableEntries(assertionCreatorOrNull: (Assert<E>.() -> Unit)?, vararg otherAssertionCreatorsOrNulls: (Assert<E>.() -> Unit)?): AssertionPlant<T>


fun <E : Any, T : Iterable<E?>> Assert<T>.containsNullableEntry(assertionCreatorOrNull: (Assert<E>.() -> Unit)?): AssertionPlant<T>


fun <E, T : Iterable<E>> Assert<T>.containsNullableValue(expectedOrNull: E): AssertionPlant<T>


fun <E, T : Iterable<E>> Assert<T>.containsNullableValues(expectedOrNull: E, vararg otherExpectedOrNulls: E): AssertionPlant<T>


fun <T : CharSequence> Assert<T>.containsRegex(pattern: String, vararg otherPatterns: String): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject contains a sequence which matches the given regular expression pattern as well as the otherPatterns (if given), using a non disjoint search.


infix fun <T : CharSequence> Assert<T>.containsRegex(pattern: String): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject contains a sequence which matches the given pattern.


fun <T : CharSequence> Assert<T>.containsRegex(pattern: String, vararg otherPatterns: String): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject contains a sequence which matches the given regular expression pattern as well as the otherPatterns (if given), using a non disjoint search.


infix fun <T : CharSequence> Assert<T>.containsRegex(pattern: String): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject contains a sequence which matches the given pattern.


fun <E, T : Iterable<E>> Assert<T>.containsStrictly(expected: E, vararg otherExpected: E): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject contains only expected and the otherExpected (if given) in the defined order.

fun <E : Any, T : Iterable<E>> Assert<T>.containsStrictly(assertionCreator: Assert<E>.() -> Unit, vararg otherAssertionCreators: Assert<E>.() -> Unit): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject contains only an entry holding the assertions created by the assertionCreator and an additional entry for each otherAssertionCreators (if given) in the defined order holding the assertions created by them.


infix fun <E, T : Iterable<E>> Assert<T>.containsStrictly(expected: E): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject contains only the expected value.

infix fun <E, T : Iterable<E>> Assert<T>.containsStrictly(values: Values<E>): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject contains only the expected values in the defined order.

infix fun <E, T : Iterable<E>> Assert<T>.containsStrictly(objects: Objects<E>): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject contains only the expected objects in the defined order.

infix fun <E : Any, T : Iterable<E>> Assert<T>.containsStrictly(assertionCreator: Assert<E>.() -> Unit): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject contains only one entry which is holding the assertions created by the assertionCreator.

infix fun <E : Any, T : Iterable<E>> Assert<T>.containsStrictly(entries: Entries<E, Assert<E>.() -> Unit>): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject contains only an entry holding the assertions created by the Entries.assertionCreator and an additional entry for each Entries.otherAssertionCreators (if given) in the defined order holding the assertions created by them.


fun <E : Any, T : Iterable<E>> Assert<T>.containsStrictly(expected: E, vararg otherExpected: E): AssertionPlant<T>
fun <E : Any, T : Iterable<E>> Assert<T>.containsStrictly(assertionCreator: Assert<E>.() -> Unit, vararg otherAssertionCreators: Assert<E>.() -> Unit): AssertionPlant<T>


infix fun <E : Any, T : Iterable<E>> Assert<T>.containsStrictly(expected: E): AssertionPlant<T>
infix fun <E, T : Iterable<E>> Assert<T>.containsStrictly(expected: NullableValue<E>): AssertionPlant<T>
infix fun <E : Any, T : Iterable<E>> Assert<T>.containsStrictly(values: Values<E>): AssertionPlant<T>
infix fun <E, T : Iterable<E>> Assert<T>.containsStrictly(nullableValues: NullableValues<E>): AssertionPlant<T>
infix fun <E : Any, T : Iterable<E>> Assert<T>.containsStrictly(assertionCreator: Assert<E>.() -> Unit): AssertionPlant<T>
infix fun <E : Any, T : Iterable<E?>> Assert<T>.containsStrictly(nullableEntry: NullableEntry<E>): AssertionPlant<T>
infix fun <E : Any, T : Iterable<E>> Assert<T>.containsStrictly(entries: Entries<E>): AssertionPlant<T>
infix fun <E : Any, T : Iterable<E?>> Assert<T>.containsStrictly(nullableEntries: NullableEntries<E>): AssertionPlant<T>


fun <E : Any, T : Iterable<E?>> Assert<T>.containsStrictlyNullableEntries(assertionCreatorOrNull: (Assert<E>.() -> Unit)?, vararg otherAssertionCreatorsOrNulls: (Assert<E>.() -> Unit)?): AssertionPlant<T>


fun <E : Any, T : Iterable<E?>> Assert<T>.containsStrictlyNullableEntry(assertionCreatorOrNull: (Assert<E>.() -> Unit)?): AssertionPlant<T>


fun <E, T : Iterable<E>> Assert<T>.containsStrictlyNullableValue(expectedOrNull: E): AssertionPlant<T>


fun <E, T : Iterable<E>> Assert<T>.containsStrictlyNullableValues(expectedOrNull: E, vararg otherExpectedOrNulls: E): AssertionPlant<T>


fun <T : CharSequence> Assert<T>.endetMit(expected: CharSequence): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject ends with expected.


fun <T : CharSequence> Assert<T>.endetNichtMit(expected: CharSequence): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject does not end with expected.


fun <T : CharSequence> Assert<T>.endsNotWith(expected: CharSequence): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject does not end with expected.


infix fun <T : CharSequence> Assert<T>.endsNotWith(expected: CharSequence): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject does not end with expected.


fun <T : CharSequence> Assert<T>.endsNotWith(expected: CharSequence): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject does not end with expected.


infix fun <T : CharSequence> Assert<T>.endsNotWith(expected: CharSequence): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject does not end with expected.


fun <T : CharSequence> Assert<T>.endsWith(expected: CharSequence): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject ends with expected.


infix fun <T : CharSequence> Assert<T>.endsWith(expected: CharSequence): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject ends with expected.


fun <T : CharSequence> Assert<T>.endsWith(expected: CharSequence): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject ends with expected.


infix fun <T : CharSequence> Assert<T>.endsWith(expected: CharSequence): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject ends with expected.


fun <T : CharSequence> Assert<T>.enthaelt(expected: Any, vararg otherExpected: Any): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject contains expected's toString representation and the toString representation of the otherExpected (if given), using a non disjoint search.

fun <E, T : Iterable<E>> Assert<T>.enthaelt(expected: E, vararg otherExpected: E): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject contains the expected value and the otherExpected values (if given).

fun <E : Any, T : Iterable<E?>> Assert<T>.enthaelt(assertionCreatorOrNull: (Assert<E>.() -> Unit)?): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject contains an entry holding the assertions created by assertionCreatorOrNull or an entry which is null in case assertionCreatorOrNull is defined as null.

fun <E : Any, T : Iterable<E?>> Assert<T>.enthaelt(assertionCreatorOrNull: (Assert<E>.() -> Unit)?, vararg otherAssertionCreatorsOrNulls: (Assert<E>.() -> Unit)?): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject contains an entry holding the assertions created by assertionCreatorOrNull or an entry which is null in case assertionCreatorOrNull is defined as null -- likewise an entry (can be the same) is searched for each of the otherAssertionCreatorsOrNulls.

fun <K, V, T : Map<out K, V>> Assert<T>.enthaelt(entry: Pair<K, V>, vararg otherEntries: Pair<K, V>): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject contains a key as defined by entry's Pair.first with a corresponding value as defined by entry's Pair.second -- optionally the same assertions are created for the otherEntries.

fun <K, V : Any, T : Map<out K, V?>> Assert<T>.enthaelt(keyValue: KeyValue<K, V>, vararg otherKeyValues: KeyValue<K, V>): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject contains a key as defined by keyValue's KeyValue.key with a corresponding value which either holds all assertions keyValue's KeyValue.valueAssertionCreatorOrNull might create or needs to be null in case KeyValue.valueAssertionCreatorOrNull is defined as null -- optionally the same assertions are created for the otherKeyValues.


fun <E, T : Iterable<E>> Assert<T>.enthaeltExakt(expected: E, vararg otherExpected: E): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject contains only the expected value and the otherExpected values (if given) in the defined order.

fun <E : Any, T : Iterable<E?>> Assert<T>.enthaeltExakt(assertionCreatorOrNull: (Assert<E>.() -> Unit)?): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject contains only an entry holding the assertions created by assertionCreatorOrNull or only one entry which is null in case assertionCreatorOrNull is defined as null.

fun <E : Any, T : Iterable<E?>> Assert<T>.enthaeltExakt(assertionCreatorOrNull: (Assert<E>.() -> Unit)?, vararg otherAssertionCreatorsOrNulls: (Assert<E>.() -> Unit)?): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject contains only an entry holding the assertions created by assertionCreatorOrNull or null in case assertionCreatorOrNull is defined as null and likewise an additional entry for each otherAssertionCreatorsOrNulls (if given) whereas the entries have to appear in the defined order.


fun <K> Assert<Map<out K, *>>.enthaeltKey(key: K): AssertionPlant<Map<out K, *>>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject contains the given key.


fun <T : CharSequence> Assert<T>.enthaeltNicht(expected: Any, vararg otherExpected: Any): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject does not contain expected's toString representation and neither one of the otherExpected's toString representation (if given).

fun <E, T : Iterable<E>> Assert<T>.enthaeltNicht(expected: E, vararg otherExpected: E): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject does not contain the expected value and neither one of the otherExpected values (if given).


fun <T : CharSequence> Assert<T>.enthaeltNichtDieStandardUebersetzungVon(expected: Translatable, vararg otherExpected: Translatable): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject does not contain expected's getDefault representation and neither one of the otherExpected's getDefault representation (if given).


fun <K> Assert<Map<out K, *>>.enthaeltNichtKey(key: K): AssertionPlant<Map<out K, *>>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject does not contain the given key.


fun <E : Any, T : Iterable<E?>> Assert<T>.enthaeltNullableEintraege(assertionCreatorOrNull: (Assert<E>.() -> Unit)?, vararg otherAssertionCreatorsOrNulls: (Assert<E>.() -> Unit)?): AssertionPlant<T>


fun <E : Any, T : Iterable<E?>> Assert<T>.enthaeltNullableEintrag(assertionCreatorOrNull: (Assert<E>.() -> Unit)?): AssertionPlant<T>


fun <E, T : Iterable<E>> Assert<T>.enthaeltNullableWert(expectedOrNull: E): AssertionPlant<T>


fun <E, T : Iterable<E>> Assert<T>.enthaeltNullableWerte(expectedOrNull: E, vararg otherExpectedOrNulls: E): AssertionPlant<T>


fun <T : CharSequence> Assert<T>.enthaeltRegex(pattern: String, vararg otherPatterns: String): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject contains a sequence which matches the given regular expression pattern as well as the otherPatterns (if given), using a non disjoint search.


fun <T : CharSequence> Assert<T>.enthaeltStandardUebersetzungVon(expected: Translatable, vararg otherExpected: Translatable): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject contains expected's getDefault representation and the getDefault representations of the otherExpected (if given), using a non disjoint search.


fun <E : Any, T : Iterable<E?>> Assert<T>.enthaeltStrikt(assertionCreator: (Assert<E>.() -> Unit)?, vararg otherAssertionCreators: (Assert<E>.() -> Unit)?): AssertionPlant<T>
fun <E : Any, T : Iterable<E>> Assert<T>.enthaeltStrikt(expected: E, vararg otherExpected: E): AssertionPlant<T>


fun <E : Any, T : Iterable<E?>> Assert<T>.enthaeltStriktNullableEintraege(assertionCreatorOrNull: (Assert<E>.() -> Unit)?, vararg otherAssertionCreatorsOrNulls: (Assert<E>.() -> Unit)?): AssertionPlant<T>


fun <E : Any, T : Iterable<E?>> Assert<T>.enthaeltStriktNullableEintrag(assertionCreatorOrNull: (Assert<E>.() -> Unit)?): AssertionPlant<T>


fun <E, T : Iterable<E>> Assert<T>.enthaeltStriktNullableWert(expectedOrNull: E): AssertionPlant<T>


fun <E, T : Iterable<E>> Assert<T>.enthaeltStriktNullableWerte(expectedOrNull: E, vararg otherExpectedOrNulls: E): AssertionPlant<T>


fun <T : Any, R : Any> Assert<T>.expect(newSubject: R): Assert<R>


fun <K : Any, V> Assert<Pair<K, V>>.first(assertionCreator: Assert<K>.() -> Unit): AssertionPlant<Pair<K, V>>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject's property first holds all assertions the given assertionCreator might create for it.


fun <K : Any, V> Assert<Pair<K, V>>.first(assertionCreator: Assert<K>.() -> Unit): AssertionPlant<Pair<K, V>>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject's property first holds all assertions the given assertionCreator might create for it.


infix fun <K : Any, V> Assert<Pair<K, V>>.first(assertionCreator: Assert<K>.() -> Unit): AssertionPlant<Pair<K, V>>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject's property first holds all assertions the given assertionCreator might create for it.


fun <E : Any, T : List<E>> Assert<T>.get(index: Int): Assert<E>

Makes the assertion that the given index is within the bounds of Assert.subject, creates a feature assertion plant for the corresponding element and returns the newly created plant.

fun <E : Any, T : List<E>> Assert<T>.get(index: Int, assertionCreator: Assert<E>.() -> Unit): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the given index is within the bounds of Assert.subject and that the corresponding element holds all assertions the given assertionCreator might create for it.


fun <E : Any, T : List<E>> Assert<T>.get(index: Int): Assert<E>

Makes the assertion that the given index is within the bounds of Assert.subject, creates a feature assertion plant for the corresponding element and returns the newly created plant.

fun <E : Any, T : List<E>> Assert<T>.get(index: Int, assertionCreator: Assert<E>.() -> Unit): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the given index is within the bounds of Assert.subject and that the corresponding element holds all assertions the given assertionCreator might create for it.


infix fun <E : Any, T : List<E>> Assert<T>.get(index: Int): AssertionPlant<E>

Makes the assertion that the given index is within the bounds of Assert.subject, creates a feature assertion plant for the corresponding element and returns the newly created plant.

infix fun <E : Any, T : List<E>> Assert<T>.get(index: Index): ListGetOption<E, T>

Prepares the assertion about the return value of calling get with the given index.


fun <K, V : Any, T : Map<out K, V>> Assert<T>.getExistierend(key: K): Assert<V>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject contains the given key, creates a feature assertion plant for corresponding value and returns the newly created plant.

fun <K, V : Any, T : Map<out K, V>> Assert<T>.getExistierend(key: K, assertionCreator: Assert<V>.() -> Unit): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject contains the given key and that the corresponding value holds all assertions the given assertionCreator might create for it.


fun <K, V : Any, T : Map<out K, V>> Assert<T>.getExisting(key: K): Assert<V>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject contains the given key, creates a feature assertion plant for the corresponding value and returns the newly created plant.

fun <K, V : Any, T : Map<out K, V>> Assert<T>.getExisting(key: K, assertionCreator: Assert<V>.() -> Unit): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject contains the given key and that the corresponding value holds all assertions the given assertionCreator might create for it.


infix fun <K, V : Any, T : Map<out K, V>> Assert<T>.getExisting(key: K): Assert<V>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject contains the given key, creates a feature assertion plant for the corresponding value and returns the newly created plant.

infix fun <K, V : Any, T : Map<out K, V>> Assert<T>.getExisting(key: Key<K>): MapGetOption<K, V, T>

Prepares the assertion about the return value of calling get with the given key.


fun <T : Collection<*>> Assert<T>.hasSize(size: Int): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject's Collection.size is size.


infix fun <T : Collection<*>> Assert<T>.hasSize(size: Int): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject's Collection.size is size.


fun <T : Collection<*>> Assert<T>.hasSize(size: Int): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject's Collection.size is size.


infix fun <T : Collection<*>> Assert<T>.hasSize(size: Int): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject's Collection.size is size.


fun <T : Collection<*>> Assert<T>.hatDieGroesse(size: Int): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject's Collection.size is size.


fun <E : Any, T : Iterable<E?>> Assert<T>.irgendEiner(assertionCreatorOrNull: (Assert<E>.() -> Unit)?): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject contains an entry holding the assertions created by assertionCreatorOrNull or an entry which is null in case assertionCreatorOrNull is defined as null.


fun <E : Any, T : Iterable<E?>> Assert<T>.irgendEinNullable(assertionCreatorOrNull: (Assert<E>.() -> Unit)?): AssertionPlant<T>


fun <TSub : Any> Assert<Any>.isA(assertionCreator: AssertionPlant<TSub>.() -> Unit): Unit

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject is a TSub (the same type or a sub-type) and if so, uses assertionCreator which could create further assertions which are added as a group.


infix fun <TSub : Any> Assert<Any>.isA(assertionCreator: AssertionPlant<TSub>.() -> Unit): Unit

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject is a TSub (the same type or a sub-type) and if so, uses assertionCreator which could create further assertions which are added as a group.


fun <TSub : Any> Assert<Any>.isA(assertionCreator: AssertionPlant<TSub>.() -> Unit): Unit

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject is a TSub (the same type or a sub-type) and if so, uses assertionCreator which could create further assertions which are added as a group.


infix fun <TSub : Any> Assert<Any>.isA(assertionCreator: AssertionPlant<TSub>.() -> Unit): Unit

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject is a TSub (the same type or a sub-type) and if so, uses assertionCreator which could create further assertions which are added as a group.


fun <T : CharSequence> Assert<T>.isEmpty(): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject CharSequence.kotlin.text.isEmpty.


fun <T : CharSequence> Assert<T>.isEmpty(): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject CharSequence.kotlin.text.isEmpty.


fun <T : BigDecimal> Assert<T>.isEqualIncludingScale(expected: T): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject is equal to expected including BigDecimal.scale.


infix fun <T : BigDecimal> Assert<T>.isEqualIncludingScale(expected: T): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject is (equal to) expected including BigDecimal.scale.


fun <T : BigDecimal> Assert<T>.isEqualIncludingScale(expected: T): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject is equal to expected including BigDecimal.scale.


infix fun <T : BigDecimal> Assert<T>.isEqualIncludingScale(expected: T): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject is (equal to) expected including BigDecimal.scale.


fun Assert<Boolean>.isFalse(): AssertionPlant<Boolean>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject is false.


fun <T : Comparable<T>> Assert<T>.isGreaterOrEquals(expected: T): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject is greater than or equals expected.


infix fun <T : Comparable<T>> Assert<T>.isGreaterOrEquals(expected: T): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject is greater than or equals expected.


fun <T : Comparable<T>> Assert<T>.isGreaterOrEquals(expected: T): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject is greater than or equals expected.


infix fun <T : Comparable<T>> Assert<T>.isGreaterOrEquals(expected: T): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject is greater than or equals expected.


fun <T : Comparable<T>> Assert<T>.isGreaterThan(expected: T): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject is greater than expected.


infix fun <T : Comparable<T>> Assert<T>.isGreaterThan(expected: T): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject is greater than expected.


fun <T : Comparable<T>> Assert<T>.isGreaterThan(expected: T): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject is greater than expected.


infix fun <T : Comparable<T>> Assert<T>.isGreaterThan(expected: T): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject is greater than expected.


fun <K : Any, V : Any> Assert<Entry<K, V>>.isKeyValue(key: K, value: V): Assert<Entry<K, V>>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject's Map.Entry.key is (equal to) the given key and Map.Entry.value is value.


infix fun <K : Any, V : Any> Assert<Entry<K, V>>.isKeyValue(keyValuePair: Pair<K, V>): Assert<Entry<K, V>>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject's Map.Entry.key is (equal to) the given Pair.first and Map.Entry.value is Pair.second.


fun <T : Comparable<T>> Assert<T>.isLessOrEquals(expected: T): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject is less than or equals expected.


infix fun <T : Comparable<T>> Assert<T>.isLessOrEquals(expected: T): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject is less than or equals expected.


fun <T : Comparable<T>> Assert<T>.isLessOrEquals(expected: T): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject is less than or equals expected.


infix fun <T : Comparable<T>> Assert<T>.isLessOrEquals(expected: T): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject is less than or equals expected.


fun <T : Comparable<T>> Assert<T>.isLessThan(expected: T): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject is less than expected.


infix fun <T : Comparable<T>> Assert<T>.isLessThan(expected: T): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject is less than expected.


fun <T : Comparable<T>> Assert<T>.isLessThan(expected: T): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject is less than expected.


infix fun <T : Comparable<T>> Assert<T>.isLessThan(expected: T): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject is less than expected.


fun <T : CharSequence> Assert<T>.isNotBlank(): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject CharSequence.kotlin.text.isNotBlank.


fun <T : CharSequence> Assert<T>.isNotEmpty(): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject CharSequence.kotlin.text.isNotEmpty.


fun <T : CharSequence> Assert<T>.isNotEmpty(): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject CharSequence.kotlin.text.isNotEmpty.


fun <T : BigDecimal> Assert<T>.isNotEqualIncludingScale(expected: T): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject is not equal to expected including BigDecimal.scale.


infix fun <T : BigDecimal> Assert<T>.isNotEqualIncludingScale(expected: T): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject is not equal to expected including BigDecimal.scale.


fun <T : BigDecimal> Assert<T>.isNotEqualIncludingScale(expected: T): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject is not equal to expected including BigDecimal.scale.


infix fun <T : BigDecimal> Assert<T>.isNotEqualIncludingScale(expected: T): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject is not equal to expected including BigDecimal.scale.


fun <T : BigDecimal> Assert<T>.isNotNumericallyEqualTo(expected: T): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject is not numerically equal to expected.


infix fun <T : BigDecimal> Assert<T>.isNotNumericallyEqualTo(expected: T): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject is not numerically equal to expected.


fun <T : BigDecimal> Assert<T>.isNotNumericallyEqualTo(expected: T): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject is not numerically equal to expected.


infix fun <T : BigDecimal> Assert<T>.isNotNumericallyEqualTo(expected: T): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject is not numerically equal to expected.


fun <T : Any> Assert<T>.isNotSame(expected: T): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject is not the same instance as expected.


infix fun <T : Any> Assert<T>.isNotSame(expected: T): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject is not the same instance as expected.


fun <T : Any> Assert<T>.isNotSameAs(expected: T): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject is not the same instance as expected.


infix fun <T : Any> Assert<T>.isNotSameAs(expected: T): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject is not the same instance as expected.


fun <T : BigDecimal> Assert<T>.isNumericallyEqualTo(expected: T): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject is numerically equal to expected.


infix fun <T : BigDecimal> Assert<T>.isNumericallyEqualTo(expected: T): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject is numerically equal to expected.


fun <T : BigDecimal> Assert<T>.isNumericallyEqualTo(expected: T): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject is numerically equal to expected.


infix fun <T : BigDecimal> Assert<T>.isNumericallyEqualTo(expected: T): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject is numerically equal to expected.


fun <T : Any> Assert<T>.isSame(expected: T): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject is the same instance as expected.


infix fun <T : Any> Assert<T>.isSame(expected: T): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject is the same instance as expected.


fun <T : Any> Assert<T>.isSameAs(expected: T): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject is the same instance as expected.


infix fun <T : Any> Assert<T>.isSameAs(expected: T): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject is the same instance as expected.


fun <T : Any> Assert<T>.ist(expected: T): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject is (equal to) expected.


fun <TSub : Any> Assert<Any>.istEin(assertionCreator: AssertionPlant<TSub>.() -> Unit): Unit

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject is a TSub (the same type or a sub-type) and if so, uses assertionCreator which could create further assertions which are added as a group.


fun Assert<Boolean>.istFalse(): AssertionPlant<Boolean>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject is false.


fun <T : BigDecimal> Assert<T>.istGleichInklusiveScale(expected: T): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject is equal to expected including BigDecimal.scale.


fun <T : Comparable<T>> Assert<T>.istGroesserAls(expected: T): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject is greater than expected.


fun <T : Comparable<T>> Assert<T>.istGroesserOderGleich(expected: T): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject is greater than or equals expected.


fun <K : Any, V : Any> Assert<Entry<K, V>>.istKeyValue(key: K, value: V): Assert<Entry<K, V>>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject's Map.Entry.key is (equal to) the given key and Map.Entry.value is value.


fun <T : Comparable<T>> Assert<T>.istKleinerAls(expected: T): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject is less than expected.


fun <T : Comparable<T>> Assert<T>.istKleinerOderGleich(expected: T): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject is less than or equals expected.


fun <T : CharSequence> Assert<T>.istLeer(): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject CharSequence.kotlin.text.isEmpty.


fun Assert<Float>.istMitFehlerToleranz(expected: Float, tolerance: Float): AssertionPlant<Float>
fun Assert<Double>.istMitFehlerToleranz(expected: Double, tolerance: Double): AssertionPlant<Double>
fun <T : BigDecimal> Assert<T>.istMitFehlerToleranz(expected: T, tolerance: T): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject is equal to expected with an error tolerance (range including bounds).


fun <T : Any> Assert<T>.istNicht(expected: T): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject is not (equal to) expected.


fun <T : CharSequence> Assert<T>.istNichtBlank(): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject CharSequence.kotlin.text.isNotBlank.


fun <T : BigDecimal> Assert<T>.istNichtGleichInklusiveScale(expected: T): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject is not equal to expected including BigDecimal.scale.


fun <T : CharSequence> Assert<T>.istNichtLeer(): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject CharSequence.kotlin.text.isNotEmpty.


fun <T : BigDecimal> Assert<T>.istNichtNumerischGleichWie(expected: T): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject is not numerically equal to expected.


fun <T : Any> Assert<T>.istNichtSelbeInstanzWie(expected: T): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject is not the same instance as expected.


fun <T : BigDecimal> Assert<T>.istNumerischGleichWie(expected: T): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject is numerically equal to expected.


fun Assert<Boolean>.isTrue(): AssertionPlant<Boolean>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject is true.


fun <T : Any> Assert<T>.istSelbeInstanzWie(expected: T): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject is the same instance as expected.


fun Assert<Boolean>.istTrue(): AssertionPlant<Boolean>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject is true.


fun <E : Any, T : Iterable<E?>> Assert<T>.keiner(assertionCreatorOrNull: (Assert<E>.() -> Unit)?): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject does not contain a single entry which holds all assertions created by assertionCreatorOrNull or does not contain a single entry which is null in case assertionCreatorOrNull is defined as null.


fun <E : Any, T : Iterable<E?>> Assert<T>.keinerDerNullable(assertionCreatorOrNull: (Assert<E>.() -> Unit)?): AssertionPlant<T>


fun <K : Any, V> Assert<Entry<K, V>>.key(assertionCreator: Assert<K>.() -> Unit): AssertionPlant<Entry<K, V>>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject's property key holds all assertions the given assertionCreator might create for it.


fun <K : Any, V> Assert<Entry<K, V>>.key(assertionCreator: Assert<K>.() -> Unit): AssertionPlant<Entry<K, V>>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject's property key holds all assertions the given assertionCreator might create for it.


infix fun <K : Any, V> Assert<Entry<K, V>>.key(assertionCreator: Assert<K>.() -> Unit): AssertionPlant<Entry<K, V>>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject's property key holds all assertions the given assertionCreator might create for it.


fun <K, V, T : Map<out K, V>> Assert<T>.keys(assertionCreator: Assert<Set<K>>.() -> Unit): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject's property keys holds all assertions the given assertionCreator might create for it.


fun <K, V, T : Map<K, V>> Assert<T>.keys(assertionCreator: Assert<Set<K>>.() -> Unit): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject's property keys holds all assertions the given assertionCreator might create for it.


infix fun <K, V, T : Map<out K, V>> Assert<T>.keys(assertionCreator: Assert<Set<K>>.() -> Unit): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject's property keys holds all assertions the given assertionCreator might create.


fun <T : Throwable> Assert<T>.message(assertionCreator: Assert<String>.() -> Unit): Unit

Creates an AssertionPlantNullable for the message of the plant's subject (which is a Throwable) and makes the assertion that message isNotNull and uses assertionCreator which might create further Assertions which are lazily evaluated at the end.


infix fun <T : Throwable> Assert<T>.message(assertionCreator: Assert<String>.() -> Unit): Unit

Creates an AssertionPlantNullable for the message of the plant's subject (which is a Throwable) and makes the assertion that the message ought notToBeNull and uses assertionCreator which might create further Assertions which are lazily evaluated at the end.


fun <T : Throwable> Assert<T>.message(assertionCreator: Assert<String>.() -> Unit): Unit

Creates an AssertionPlantNullable for the message of the plant's subject (which is a Throwable) and makes the assertion that message istNichtNull and uses assertionCreator which might create further Assertions which are lazily evaluated at the end.


fun <T : Throwable> Assert<T>.message(assertionCreator: Assert<String>.() -> Unit): Unit

Creates an AssertionPlantNullable for the message of the plant's subject (which is a Throwable) and makes the assertion that message notToBeNull and uses assertionCreator which might create further Assertions which are lazily evaluated at the end.


infix fun <T : Throwable> Assert<T>.message(assertionCreator: Assert<String>.() -> Unit): Unit

Creates an AssertionPlantNullable for the message of the plant's subject (which is a Throwable) and makes the assertion that the message ought notToBeNull and uses assertionCreator which might create further Assertions which are lazily evaluated at the end.


fun <T : Throwable> Assert<T>.messageContains(expected: Any, vararg otherExpected: Any): Unit

Creates the assertion that the Throwable's message is not null (see message) contains expected's toString representation and the toString representation of the otherExpected (if given), using a non disjoint search.


infix fun <T : Throwable> Assert<T>.messageContains(expected: Any): Unit

Creates the assertion that the Throwable's message is not null (see message) and contains the toString representation of the given expected using a non disjoint search.

infix fun <T : Throwable> Assert<T>.messageContains(values: Values<Any>): Unit

Creates the assertion that the Throwable's message is not null (see message) and contains the toString representation of the given values using a non disjoint search.


fun <T : Throwable> Assert<T>.messageEnthaelt(expected: Any, vararg otherExpected: Any): Unit

Creates the assertion that the Throwable's message is not null (see message) contains expected's toString representation and the toString representation of the otherExpected (if given), using a non disjoint search.


fun <E : Any, T : Iterable<E?>> Assert<T>.none(assertionCreatorOrNull: (Assert<E>.() -> Unit)?): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject does not contain a single entry which holds all assertions created by assertionCreatorOrNull or does not contain a single entry which is null in case assertionCreatorOrNull is defined as null.


infix fun <E : Any, T : Iterable<E?>> Assert<T>.none(assertionCreatorOrNull: (Assert<E>.() -> Unit)?): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject does not contain a single entry which holds all assertions created by assertionCreatorOrNull or does not contain a single entry which is null in case assertionCreatorOrNull is defined as null.

infix fun <E : Any, T : Iterable<E?>> Assert<T>.none(nullableEntry: NullableEntry<E>): AssertionPlant<T>


fun <E : Any, T : Iterable<E?>> Assert<T>.noneOfNullable(assertionCreatorOrNull: (Assert<E>.() -> Unit)?): AssertionPlant<T>


infix fun <T : CharSequence> Assert<T>.notTo(contain: contain): NotCheckerOption<T, NotSearchBehaviour>

Creates a CharSequenceContains.Builder based on this AssertionPlant which allows to define more sophisticated contains not assertions.


infix fun <T : CharSequence> Assert<T>.notTo(contain: contain): NotCheckerOption<T, NotSearchBehaviour>

Creates a CharSequenceContains.Builder based on this AssertionPlant which allows to define more sophisticated contains not assertions.


fun <T : Any> Assert<T>.notToBe(expected: T): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject is not (equal to) expected.


infix fun <T : Any> Assert<T>.notToBe(expected: T): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject is not (equal to) expected.

infix fun <T : CharSequence> Assert<T>.notToBe(onlyEmptyAllowed: Empty): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject CharSequence.kotlin.text.isNotEmpty.


fun <T : Any> Assert<T>.notToBe(expected: T): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject is not (equal to) expected.


infix fun <T : Any> Assert<T>.notToBe(expected: T): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject is not (equal to) expected.

infix fun <T : Any> Assert<T>.notToBe(keyword: Keyword): Nothinginfix fun <T : CharSequence> Assert<T>.notToBe(Empty: Empty): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject CharSequence.kotlin.text.isNotEmpty.

infix fun <T : CharSequence> Assert<T>.notToBe(Blank: Blank): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject CharSequence.kotlin.text.isNotBlank.


fun <T : Any, TProperty : Any> Assert<T>.property(property: KProperty0<TProperty>): AssertionPlant<TProperty>

Creates an AssertionPlant for the given property which eventually adds AssertionGroups with a FeatureAssertionGroupType, containing the assertions created for the given property, to the current plant.

fun <T : Any, TProperty : Any> Assert<T>.property(property: KProperty0<TProperty>, assertionCreator: AssertionPlant<TProperty>.() -> Unit): AssertionPlant<TProperty>

Creates an AssertionPlant for the given property which eventually adds AssertionGroups with a FeatureAssertionGroupType, containing the assertions created for the given property, to the current plant -- starting with a group consisting of the Assertions created by the assertionCreator lambda.


fun <T : Any, TProperty : Any> Assert<T>.property(property: KProperty0<TProperty>): AssertionPlant<TProperty>

Creates an AssertionPlant for the given property which eventually adds AssertionGroups with a FeatureAssertionGroupType, containing the assertions created for the given property, to the current plant.

fun <T : Any, TProperty : Any> Assert<T>.property(property: KProperty0<TProperty>, assertionCreator: AssertionPlant<TProperty>.() -> Unit): AssertionPlant<TProperty>

Creates an AssertionPlant for the given property which eventually adds AssertionGroups with a FeatureAssertionGroupType, containing the assertions created for the given property, to the current plant -- starting with a group consisting of the Assertions created by the assertionCreator lambda.


fun <T : Any, TProperty : Any> Assert<T>.property(property: KProperty0<TProperty>): AssertionPlant<TProperty>
fun <T : Any, TProperty : Any> Assert<T>.property(property: KProperty1<T, TProperty>): AssertionPlant<TProperty>

Creates an AssertionPlant for the given property which eventually adds AssertionGroups with a FeatureAssertionGroupType, containing the assertions created for the given property, to the current plant.

fun <T : Any, TProperty : Any> Assert<T>.property(property: KProperty0<TProperty>, assertionCreator: Assert<TProperty>.() -> Unit): AssertionPlant<TProperty>
fun <T : Any, TProperty : Any> Assert<T>.property(property: KProperty1<T, TProperty>, assertionCreator: Assert<TProperty>.() -> Unit): AssertionPlant<TProperty>

Creates an AssertionPlant for the given property which eventually adds AssertionGroups with a FeatureAssertionGroupType, containing the assertions created for the given property, to the current plant -- starting with a group consisting of the Assertions created by the assertionCreator lambda.


fun <T : Any, TProperty : Any> Assert<T>.property(property: KProperty0<TProperty>): AssertionPlant<TProperty>
fun <T : Any, TProperty : Any> Assert<T>.property(property: KProperty1<T, TProperty>): AssertionPlant<TProperty>

Creates an AssertionPlant for the given property which eventually adds AssertionGroups with a FeatureAssertionGroupType, containing the assertions created for the given property, to the current plant.

fun <T : Any, TProperty : Any> Assert<T>.property(property: KProperty0<TProperty>, assertionCreator: Assert<TProperty>.() -> Unit): AssertionPlant<TProperty>
fun <T : Any, TProperty : Any> Assert<T>.property(property: KProperty1<T, TProperty>, assertionCreator: Assert<TProperty>.() -> Unit): AssertionPlant<TProperty>

Creates an AssertionPlant for the given property which eventually adds AssertionGroups with a FeatureAssertionGroupType, containing the assertions created for the given property, to the current plant -- starting with a group consisting of the Assertions created by the assertionCreator lambda.


fun <T : Any, TProperty : Any> Assert<T>.property(property: KProperty0<TProperty>): AssertionPlant<TProperty>
fun <T : Any, TProperty : Any> Assert<T>.property(property: KProperty1<T, TProperty>): AssertionPlant<TProperty>

Creates an AssertionPlant for the given property which eventually adds AssertionGroups with a FeatureAssertionGroupType, containing the assertions created for the given property, to the current plant.

fun <T : Any, TProperty : Any> Assert<T>.property(property: KProperty0<TProperty>, assertionCreator: Assert<TProperty>.() -> Unit): AssertionPlant<TProperty>
fun <T : Any, TProperty : Any> Assert<T>.property(property: KProperty1<T, TProperty>, assertionCreator: Assert<TProperty>.() -> Unit): AssertionPlant<TProperty>

Creates an AssertionPlant for the given property which eventually adds AssertionGroups with a FeatureAssertionGroupType, containing the assertions created for the given property, to the current plant -- starting with a group consisting of the Assertions created by the assertionCreator lambda.


fun <T : Any, TReturnValue : Any> Assert<T>.returnValueOf(method: KFunction0<TReturnValue>): AssertionPlant<TReturnValue>

Creates an AssertionPlant, for the value returned by calling method, which eventually adds AssertionGroups with a FeatureAssertionGroupType, containing the assertions created for the return value, to the current plant.

fun <T : Any, TReturnValue : Any> Assert<T>.returnValueOf(method: KFunction0<TReturnValue>, assertionCreator: AssertionPlant<TReturnValue>.() -> Unit): AssertionPlant<TReturnValue>

Creates an AssertionPlant, for the value returned by calling method, which eventually adds AssertionGroups with a FeatureAssertionGroupType, containing the assertions created for the return value, to the current plant -- starting with a group consisting of the Assertions created by the assertionCreator lambda.

fun <T : Any, T1, TReturnValue : Any> Assert<T>.returnValueOf(method: KFunction1<T1, TReturnValue>, arg1: T1): AssertionPlant<TReturnValue>

Creates an AssertionPlant, for the value returned by calling method with arg1, which eventually adds AssertionGroups with a FeatureAssertionGroupType, containing the assertions created for the return value, to the current plant.

fun <T : Any, T1, TReturnValue : Any> Assert<T>.returnValueOf(method: KFunction1<T1, TReturnValue>, arg1: T1, assertionCreator: AssertionPlant<TReturnValue>.() -> Unit): AssertionPlant<TReturnValue>

Creates an AssertionPlant, for the value returned by calling method with arg1, which eventually adds AssertionGroups with a FeatureAssertionGroupType, containing the assertions created for the return value, to the current plant -- starting with a group consisting of the Assertions created by the assertionCreator lambda.

fun <T : Any, T1, T2, TReturnValue : Any> Assert<T>.returnValueOf(method: KFunction2<T1, T2, TReturnValue>, arg1: T1, arg2: T2): AssertionPlant<TReturnValue>

Creates an AssertionPlant, for the value returned by calling method with arg1 and arg2, which eventually adds AssertionGroups with a FeatureAssertionGroupType, containing the assertions created for the return value, to the current plant.

fun <T : Any, T1, T2, TReturnValue : Any> Assert<T>.returnValueOf(method: KFunction2<T1, T2, TReturnValue>, arg1: T1, arg2: T2, assertionCreator: AssertionPlant<TReturnValue>.() -> Unit): AssertionPlant<TReturnValue>

Creates an AssertionPlant, for the value returned by calling method with arg1 and arg2, which eventually adds AssertionGroups with a FeatureAssertionGroupType, containing the assertions created for the return value, to the current plant -- starting with a group consisting of the Assertions created by the assertionCreator lambda.

fun <T : Any, T1, T2, T3, TReturnValue : Any> Assert<T>.returnValueOf(method: KFunction3<T1, T2, T3, TReturnValue>, arg1: T1, arg2: T2, arg3: T3): AssertionPlant<TReturnValue>

Creates an AssertionPlant, for the value returned by calling method with arg1, arg2 and arg3, which eventually adds AssertionGroups with a FeatureAssertionGroupType, containing the assertions created for the return value, to the current plant.

fun <T : Any, T1, T2, T3, TReturnValue : Any> Assert<T>.returnValueOf(method: KFunction3<T1, T2, T3, TReturnValue>, arg1: T1, arg2: T2, arg3: T3, assertionCreator: AssertionPlant<TReturnValue>.() -> Unit): AssertionPlant<TReturnValue>

Creates an AssertionPlant, for the value returned by calling method with arg1, arg2 and arg3, which eventually adds AssertionGroups with a FeatureAssertionGroupType, containing the assertions created for the return value, to the current plant -- starting with a group consisting of the Assertions created by the assertionCreator lambda.

fun <T : Any, T1, T2, T3, T4, TReturnValue : Any> Assert<T>.returnValueOf(method: KFunction4<T1, T2, T3, T4, TReturnValue>, arg1: T1, arg2: T2, arg3: T3, arg4: T4): AssertionPlant<TReturnValue>

Creates an AssertionPlant, for the value returned by calling method with arg1, arg2, arg3 and arg4, which eventually adds AssertionGroups with a FeatureAssertionGroupType, containing the assertions created for the return value, to the current plant.

fun <T : Any, T1, T2, T3, T4, TReturnValue : Any> Assert<T>.returnValueOf(method: KFunction4<T1, T2, T3, T4, TReturnValue>, arg1: T1, arg2: T2, arg3: T3, arg4: T4, assertionCreator: AssertionPlant<TReturnValue>.() -> Unit): AssertionPlant<TReturnValue>

Creates an AssertionPlant, for the value returned by calling method with arg1, arg2, arg3 and arg4, which eventually adds AssertionGroups with a FeatureAssertionGroupType, containing the assertions created for the return value, to the current plant -- starting with a group consisting of the Assertions created by the assertionCreator lambda.

fun <T : Any, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, TReturnValue : Any> Assert<T>.returnValueOf(method: KFunction5<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, TReturnValue>, arg1: T1, arg2: T2, arg3: T3, arg4: T4, arg5: T5): AssertionPlant<TReturnValue>

Creates an AssertionPlant, for the value returned by calling method with arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4 and arg5, which eventually adds AssertionGroups with a FeatureAssertionGroupType, containing the assertions created for the return value, to the current plant.

fun <T : Any, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, TReturnValue : Any> Assert<T>.returnValueOf(method: KFunction5<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, TReturnValue>, arg1: T1, arg2: T2, arg3: T3, arg4: T4, arg5: T5, assertionCreator: AssertionPlant<TReturnValue>.() -> Unit): AssertionPlant<TReturnValue>

Creates an AssertionPlant, for the value returned by calling method with arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4 and arg5, which eventually adds AssertionGroups with a FeatureAssertionGroupType, containing the assertions created for the return value, to the current plant -- starting with a group consisting of the Assertions created by the assertionCreator lambda.


fun <T : Any, TReturnValue : Any> Assert<T>.returnValueOf(method: KFunction0<TReturnValue>): AssertionPlant<TReturnValue>

Creates an AssertionPlant, for the value returned by calling method, which eventually adds AssertionGroups with a FeatureAssertionGroupType, containing the assertions created for the return value, to the current plant.

fun <T : Any, TReturnValue : Any> Assert<T>.returnValueOf(method: KFunction0<TReturnValue>, assertionCreator: AssertionPlant<TReturnValue>.() -> Unit): AssertionPlant<TReturnValue>

Creates an AssertionPlant, for the value returned by calling method, which eventually adds AssertionGroups with a FeatureAssertionGroupType, containing the assertions created for the return value, to the current plant -- starting with a group consisting of the Assertions created by the assertionCreator lambda.

fun <T : Any, T1, TReturnValue : Any> Assert<T>.returnValueOf(method: KFunction1<T1, TReturnValue>, arg1: T1): AssertionPlant<TReturnValue>

Creates an AssertionPlant, for the value returned by calling method with arg1, which eventually adds AssertionGroups with a FeatureAssertionGroupType, containing the assertions created for the return value, to the current plant.

fun <T : Any, T1, TReturnValue : Any> Assert<T>.returnValueOf(method: KFunction1<T1, TReturnValue>, arg1: T1, assertionCreator: AssertionPlant<TReturnValue>.() -> Unit): AssertionPlant<TReturnValue>

Creates an AssertionPlant, for the value returned by calling method with arg1, which eventually adds AssertionGroups with a FeatureAssertionGroupType, containing the assertions created for the return value, to the current plant -- starting with a group consisting of the Assertions created by the assertionCreator lambda.

fun <T : Any, T1, T2, TReturnValue : Any> Assert<T>.returnValueOf(method: KFunction2<T1, T2, TReturnValue>, arg1: T1, arg2: T2): AssertionPlant<TReturnValue>

Creates an AssertionPlant, for the value returned by calling method with arg1 and arg2, which eventually adds AssertionGroups with a FeatureAssertionGroupType, containing the assertions created for the return value, to the current plant.

fun <T : Any, T1, T2, TReturnValue : Any> Assert<T>.returnValueOf(method: KFunction2<T1, T2, TReturnValue>, arg1: T1, arg2: T2, assertionCreator: AssertionPlant<TReturnValue>.() -> Unit): AssertionPlant<TReturnValue>

Creates an AssertionPlant, for the value returned by calling method with arg1 and arg2, which eventually adds AssertionGroups with a FeatureAssertionGroupType, containing the assertions created for the return value, to the current plant -- starting with a group consisting of the Assertions created by the assertionCreator lambda.

fun <T : Any, T1, T2, T3, TReturnValue : Any> Assert<T>.returnValueOf(method: KFunction3<T1, T2, T3, TReturnValue>, arg1: T1, arg2: T2, arg3: T3): AssertionPlant<TReturnValue>

Creates an AssertionPlant, for the value returned by calling method with arg1, arg2 and arg3, which eventually adds AssertionGroups with a FeatureAssertionGroupType, containing the assertions created for the return value, to the current plant.

fun <T : Any, T1, T2, T3, TReturnValue : Any> Assert<T>.returnValueOf(method: KFunction3<T1, T2, T3, TReturnValue>, arg1: T1, arg2: T2, arg3: T3, assertionCreator: AssertionPlant<TReturnValue>.() -> Unit): AssertionPlant<TReturnValue>

Creates an AssertionPlant, for the value returned by calling method with arg1, arg2 and arg3, which eventually adds AssertionGroups with a FeatureAssertionGroupType, containing the assertions created for the return value, to the current plant -- starting with a group consisting of the Assertions created by the assertionCreator lambda.

fun <T : Any, T1, T2, T3, T4, TReturnValue : Any> Assert<T>.returnValueOf(method: KFunction4<T1, T2, T3, T4, TReturnValue>, arg1: T1, arg2: T2, arg3: T3, arg4: T4): AssertionPlant<TReturnValue>

Creates an AssertionPlant, for the value returned by calling method with arg1, arg2, arg3 and arg4, which eventually adds AssertionGroups with a FeatureAssertionGroupType, containing the assertions created for the return value, to the current plant.

fun <T : Any, T1, T2, T3, T4, TReturnValue : Any> Assert<T>.returnValueOf(method: KFunction4<T1, T2, T3, T4, TReturnValue>, arg1: T1, arg2: T2, arg3: T3, arg4: T4, assertionCreator: AssertionPlant<TReturnValue>.() -> Unit): AssertionPlant<TReturnValue>

Creates an AssertionPlant, for the value returned by calling method with arg1, arg2, arg3 and arg4, which eventually adds AssertionGroups with a FeatureAssertionGroupType, containing the assertions created for the return value, to the current plant -- starting with a group consisting of the Assertions created by the assertionCreator lambda.

fun <T : Any, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, TReturnValue : Any> Assert<T>.returnValueOf(method: KFunction5<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, TReturnValue>, arg1: T1, arg2: T2, arg3: T3, arg4: T4, arg5: T5): AssertionPlant<TReturnValue>

Creates an AssertionPlant, for the value returned by calling method with arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4 and arg5, which eventually adds AssertionGroups with a FeatureAssertionGroupType, containing the assertions created for the return value, to the current plant.

fun <T : Any, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, TReturnValue : Any> Assert<T>.returnValueOf(method: KFunction5<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, TReturnValue>, arg1: T1, arg2: T2, arg3: T3, arg4: T4, arg5: T5, assertionCreator: AssertionPlant<TReturnValue>.() -> Unit): AssertionPlant<TReturnValue>

Creates an AssertionPlant, for the value returned by calling method with arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4 and arg5, which eventually adds AssertionGroups with a FeatureAssertionGroupType, containing the assertions created for the return value, to the current plant -- starting with a group consisting of the Assertions created by the assertionCreator lambda.


fun <T : Any, R : Any> Assert<T>.returnValueOf(method: KFunction0<R>): AssertionPlant<R>
fun <T : Any, R : Any> Assert<T>.returnValueOf(method: KFunction1<T, R>): AssertionPlant<R>

Creates an AssertionPlant, for the value returned by calling method, which eventually adds AssertionGroups with a FeatureAssertionGroupType, containing the assertions created for the return value, to the current plant.

fun <T : Any, R : Any> Assert<T>.returnValueOf(method: KFunction0<R>, assertionCreator: Assert<R>.() -> Unit): AssertionPlant<R>
fun <T : Any, R : Any> Assert<T>.returnValueOf(method: KFunction1<T, R>, assertionCreator: Assert<R>.() -> Unit): AssertionPlant<R>

Creates an AssertionPlant, for the value returned by calling method, which eventually adds AssertionGroups with a FeatureAssertionGroupType, containing the assertions created for the return value, to the current plant -- starting with a group consisting of the Assertions created by the assertionCreator lambda.

fun <T : Any, T1, R : Any> Assert<T>.returnValueOf(method: KFunction1<T1, R>, arg1: T1): AssertionPlant<R>
fun <T : Any, T1, R : Any> Assert<T>.returnValueOf(method: KFunction2<T, T1, R>, arg1: T1): AssertionPlant<R>

Creates an AssertionPlant, for the value returned by calling method with arg1, which eventually adds AssertionGroups with a FeatureAssertionGroupType, containing the assertions created for the return value, to the current plant.

fun <T : Any, T1, R : Any> Assert<T>.returnValueOf(method: KFunction1<T1, R>, arg1: T1, assertionCreator: Assert<R>.() -> Unit): AssertionPlant<R>
fun <T : Any, T1, R : Any> Assert<T>.returnValueOf(method: KFunction2<T, T1, R>, arg1: T1, assertionCreator: Assert<R>.() -> Unit): AssertionPlant<R>

Creates an AssertionPlant, for the value returned by calling method with arg1, which eventually adds AssertionGroups with a FeatureAssertionGroupType, containing the assertions created for the return value, to the current plant -- starting with a group consisting of the Assertions created by the assertionCreator lambda.

fun <T : Any, T1, T2, R : Any> Assert<T>.returnValueOf(method: KFunction2<T1, T2, R>, arg1: T1, arg2: T2): AssertionPlant<R>
fun <T : Any, T1, T2, R : Any> Assert<T>.returnValueOf(method: KFunction3<T, T1, T2, R>, arg1: T1, arg2: T2): AssertionPlant<R>

Creates an AssertionPlant, for the value returned by calling method with arg1 and arg2, which eventually adds AssertionGroups with a FeatureAssertionGroupType, containing the assertions created for the return value, to the current plant.

fun <T : Any, T1, T2, R : Any> Assert<T>.returnValueOf(method: KFunction2<T1, T2, R>, arg1: T1, arg2: T2, assertionCreator: Assert<R>.() -> Unit): AssertionPlant<R>
fun <T : Any, T1, T2, R : Any> Assert<T>.returnValueOf(method: KFunction3<T, T1, T2, R>, arg1: T1, arg2: T2, assertionCreator: Assert<R>.() -> Unit): AssertionPlant<R>

Creates an AssertionPlant, for the value returned by calling method with arg1 and arg2, which eventually adds AssertionGroups with a FeatureAssertionGroupType, containing the assertions created for the return value, to the current plant -- starting with a group consisting of the Assertions created by the assertionCreator lambda.

fun <T : Any, T1, T2, T3, R : Any> Assert<T>.returnValueOf(method: KFunction3<T1, T2, T3, R>, arg1: T1, arg2: T2, arg3: T3): AssertionPlant<R>
fun <T : Any, T1, T2, T3, R : Any> Assert<T>.returnValueOf(method: KFunction4<T, T1, T2, T3, R>, arg1: T1, arg2: T2, arg3: T3): AssertionPlant<R>

Creates an AssertionPlant, for the value returned by calling method with arg1, arg2 and arg3, which eventually adds AssertionGroups with a FeatureAssertionGroupType, containing the assertions created for the return value, to the current plant.

fun <T : Any, T1, T2, T3, R : Any> Assert<T>.returnValueOf(method: KFunction3<T1, T2, T3, R>, arg1: T1, arg2: T2, arg3: T3, assertionCreator: Assert<R>.() -> Unit): AssertionPlant<R>
fun <T : Any, T1, T2, T3, R : Any> Assert<T>.returnValueOf(method: KFunction4<T, T1, T2, T3, R>, arg1: T1, arg2: T2, arg3: T3, assertionCreator: Assert<R>.() -> Unit): AssertionPlant<R>

Creates an AssertionPlant, for the value returned by calling method with arg1, arg2 and arg3, which eventually adds AssertionGroups with a FeatureAssertionGroupType, containing the assertions created for the return value, to the current plant -- starting with a group consisting of the Assertions created by the assertionCreator lambda.

fun <T : Any, T1, T2, T3, T4, R : Any> Assert<T>.returnValueOf(method: KFunction4<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>, arg1: T1, arg2: T2, arg3: T3, arg4: T4): AssertionPlant<R>
fun <T : Any, T1, T2, T3, T4, R : Any> Assert<T>.returnValueOf(method: KFunction5<T, T1, T2, T3, T4, R>, arg1: T1, arg2: T2, arg3: T3, arg4: T4): AssertionPlant<R>

Creates an AssertionPlant, for the value returned by calling method with arg1, arg2, arg3 and arg4, which eventually adds AssertionGroups with a FeatureAssertionGroupType, containing the assertions created for the return value, to the current plant.

fun <T : Any, T1, T2, T3, T4, R : Any> Assert<T>.returnValueOf(method: KFunction4<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>, arg1: T1, arg2: T2, arg3: T3, arg4: T4, assertionCreator: Assert<R>.() -> Unit): AssertionPlant<R>
fun <T : Any, T1, T2, T3, T4, R : Any> Assert<T>.returnValueOf(method: KFunction5<T, T1, T2, T3, T4, R>, arg1: T1, arg2: T2, arg3: T3, arg4: T4, assertionCreator: Assert<R>.() -> Unit): AssertionPlant<R>

Creates an AssertionPlant, for the value returned by calling method with arg1, arg2, arg3 and arg4, which eventually adds AssertionGroups with a FeatureAssertionGroupType, containing the assertions created for the return value, to the current plant -- starting with a group consisting of the Assertions created by the assertionCreator lambda.

fun <T : Any, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, R : Any> Assert<T>.returnValueOf(method: KFunction5<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, R>, arg1: T1, arg2: T2, arg3: T3, arg4: T4, arg5: T5): AssertionPlant<R>
fun <T : Any, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, R : Any> Assert<T>.returnValueOf(method: KFunction6<T, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, R>, arg1: T1, arg2: T2, arg3: T3, arg4: T4, arg5: T5): AssertionPlant<R>

Creates an AssertionPlant, for the value returned by calling method with arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4 and arg5, which eventually adds AssertionGroups with a FeatureAssertionGroupType, containing the assertions created for the return value, to the current plant.

fun <T : Any, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, R : Any> Assert<T>.returnValueOf(method: KFunction5<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, R>, arg1: T1, arg2: T2, arg3: T3, arg4: T4, arg5: T5, assertionCreator: Assert<R>.() -> Unit): AssertionPlant<R>
fun <T : Any, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, R : Any> Assert<T>.returnValueOf(method: KFunction6<T, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, R>, arg1: T1, arg2: T2, arg3: T3, arg4: T4, arg5: T5, assertionCreator: Assert<R>.() -> Unit): AssertionPlant<R>

Creates an AssertionPlant, for the value returned by calling method with arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4 and arg5, which eventually adds AssertionGroups with a FeatureAssertionGroupType, containing the assertions created for the return value, to the current plant -- starting with a group consisting of the Assertions created by the assertionCreator lambda.


fun <T : Any, R : Any> Assert<T>.returnValueOf(method: KFunction0<R>): AssertionPlant<R>
fun <T : Any, R : Any> Assert<T>.returnValueOf(method: KFunction1<T, R>): AssertionPlant<R>

Creates an AssertionPlant, for the value returned by calling method, which eventually adds AssertionGroups with a FeatureAssertionGroupType, containing the assertions created for the return value, to the current plant.

fun <T : Any, R : Any> Assert<T>.returnValueOf(method: KFunction0<R>, assertionCreator: Assert<R>.() -> Unit): AssertionPlant<R>
fun <T : Any, R : Any> Assert<T>.returnValueOf(method: KFunction1<T, R>, assertionCreator: Assert<R>.() -> Unit): AssertionPlant<R>

Creates an AssertionPlant, for the value returned by calling method, which eventually adds AssertionGroups with a FeatureAssertionGroupType, containing the assertions created for the return value, to the current plant -- starting with a group consisting of the Assertions created by the assertionCreator lambda.

fun <T : Any, T1, R : Any> Assert<T>.returnValueOf(method: KFunction1<T1, R>, arg1: T1): AssertionPlant<R>
fun <T : Any, T1, R : Any> Assert<T>.returnValueOf(method: KFunction2<T, T1, R>, arg1: T1): AssertionPlant<R>

Creates an AssertionPlant, for the value returned by calling method with arg1, which eventually adds AssertionGroups with a FeatureAssertionGroupType, containing the assertions created for the return value, to the current plant.

fun <T : Any, T1, R : Any> Assert<T>.returnValueOf(method: KFunction1<T1, R>, arg1: T1, assertionCreator: Assert<R>.() -> Unit): AssertionPlant<R>
fun <T : Any, T1, R : Any> Assert<T>.returnValueOf(method: KFunction2<T, T1, R>, arg1: T1, assertionCreator: Assert<R>.() -> Unit): AssertionPlant<R>

Creates an AssertionPlant, for the value returned by calling method with arg1, which eventually adds AssertionGroups with a FeatureAssertionGroupType, containing the assertions created for the return value, to the current plant -- starting with a group consisting of the Assertions created by the assertionCreator lambda.

fun <T : Any, T1, T2, R : Any> Assert<T>.returnValueOf(method: KFunction2<T1, T2, R>, arg1: T1, arg2: T2): AssertionPlant<R>
fun <T : Any, T1, T2, R : Any> Assert<T>.returnValueOf(method: KFunction3<T, T1, T2, R>, arg1: T1, arg2: T2): AssertionPlant<R>

Creates an AssertionPlant, for the value returned by calling method with arg1 and arg2, which eventually adds AssertionGroups with a FeatureAssertionGroupType, containing the assertions created for the return value, to the current plant.

fun <T : Any, T1, T2, R : Any> Assert<T>.returnValueOf(method: KFunction2<T1, T2, R>, arg1: T1, arg2: T2, assertionCreator: Assert<R>.() -> Unit): AssertionPlant<R>
fun <T : Any, T1, T2, R : Any> Assert<T>.returnValueOf(method: KFunction3<T, T1, T2, R>, arg1: T1, arg2: T2, assertionCreator: Assert<R>.() -> Unit): AssertionPlant<R>

Creates an AssertionPlant, for the value returned by calling method with arg1 and arg2, which eventually adds AssertionGroups with a FeatureAssertionGroupType, containing the assertions created for the return value, to the current plant -- starting with a group consisting of the Assertions created by the assertionCreator lambda.

fun <T : Any, T1, T2, T3, R : Any> Assert<T>.returnValueOf(method: KFunction3<T1, T2, T3, R>, arg1: T1, arg2: T2, arg3: T3): AssertionPlant<R>
fun <T : Any, T1, T2, T3, R : Any> Assert<T>.returnValueOf(method: KFunction4<T, T1, T2, T3, R>, arg1: T1, arg2: T2, arg3: T3): AssertionPlant<R>

Creates an AssertionPlant, for the value returned by calling method with arg1, arg2 and arg3, which eventually adds AssertionGroups with a FeatureAssertionGroupType, containing the assertions created for the return value, to the current plant.

fun <T : Any, T1, T2, T3, R : Any> Assert<T>.returnValueOf(method: KFunction3<T1, T2, T3, R>, arg1: T1, arg2: T2, arg3: T3, assertionCreator: Assert<R>.() -> Unit): AssertionPlant<R>
fun <T : Any, T1, T2, T3, R : Any> Assert<T>.returnValueOf(method: KFunction4<T, T1, T2, T3, R>, arg1: T1, arg2: T2, arg3: T3, assertionCreator: Assert<R>.() -> Unit): AssertionPlant<R>

Creates an AssertionPlant, for the value returned by calling method with arg1, arg2 and arg3, which eventually adds AssertionGroups with a FeatureAssertionGroupType, containing the assertions created for the return value, to the current plant -- starting with a group consisting of the Assertions created by the assertionCreator lambda.

fun <T : Any, T1, T2, T3, T4, R : Any> Assert<T>.returnValueOf(method: KFunction4<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>, arg1: T1, arg2: T2, arg3: T3, arg4: T4): AssertionPlant<R>
fun <T : Any, T1, T2, T3, T4, R : Any> Assert<T>.returnValueOf(method: KFunction5<T, T1, T2, T3, T4, R>, arg1: T1, arg2: T2, arg3: T3, arg4: T4): AssertionPlant<R>

Creates an AssertionPlant, for the value returned by calling method with arg1, arg2, arg3 and arg4, which eventually adds AssertionGroups with a FeatureAssertionGroupType, containing the assertions created for the return value, to the current plant.

fun <T : Any, T1, T2, T3, T4, R : Any> Assert<T>.returnValueOf(method: KFunction4<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>, arg1: T1, arg2: T2, arg3: T3, arg4: T4, assertionCreator: Assert<R>.() -> Unit): AssertionPlant<R>
fun <T : Any, T1, T2, T3, T4, R : Any> Assert<T>.returnValueOf(method: KFunction5<T, T1, T2, T3, T4, R>, arg1: T1, arg2: T2, arg3: T3, arg4: T4, assertionCreator: Assert<R>.() -> Unit): AssertionPlant<R>

Creates an AssertionPlant, for the value returned by calling method with arg1, arg2, arg3 and arg4, which eventually adds AssertionGroups with a FeatureAssertionGroupType, containing the assertions created for the return value, to the current plant -- starting with a group consisting of the Assertions created by the assertionCreator lambda.

fun <T : Any, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, R : Any> Assert<T>.returnValueOf(method: KFunction5<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, R>, arg1: T1, arg2: T2, arg3: T3, arg4: T4, arg5: T5): AssertionPlant<R>
fun <T : Any, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, R : Any> Assert<T>.returnValueOf(method: KFunction6<T, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, R>, arg1: T1, arg2: T2, arg3: T3, arg4: T4, arg5: T5): AssertionPlant<R>

Creates an AssertionPlant, for the value returned by calling method with arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4 and arg5, which eventually adds AssertionGroups with a FeatureAssertionGroupType, containing the assertions created for the return value, to the current plant.

fun <T : Any, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, R : Any> Assert<T>.returnValueOf(method: KFunction5<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, R>, arg1: T1, arg2: T2, arg3: T3, arg4: T4, arg5: T5, assertionCreator: Assert<R>.() -> Unit): AssertionPlant<R>
fun <T : Any, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, R : Any> Assert<T>.returnValueOf(method: KFunction6<T, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, R>, arg1: T1, arg2: T2, arg3: T3, arg4: T4, arg5: T5, assertionCreator: Assert<R>.() -> Unit): AssertionPlant<R>

Creates an AssertionPlant, for the value returned by calling method with arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4 and arg5, which eventually adds AssertionGroups with a FeatureAssertionGroupType, containing the assertions created for the return value, to the current plant -- starting with a group consisting of the Assertions created by the assertionCreator lambda.


fun <T : Any, R : Any> Assert<T>.rueckgabewertVon(method: KFunction0<R>): AssertionPlant<R>
fun <T : Any, R : Any> Assert<T>.rueckgabewertVon(method: KFunction1<T, R>): AssertionPlant<R>

Creates an AssertionPlant, for the value returned by calling method, which eventually adds AssertionGroups with a FeatureAssertionGroupType, containing the assertions created for the return value, to the current plant.

fun <T : Any, R : Any> Assert<T>.rueckgabewertVon(method: KFunction0<R>, assertionCreator: Assert<R>.() -> Unit): AssertionPlant<R>
fun <T : Any, R : Any> Assert<T>.rueckgabewertVon(method: KFunction1<T, R>, assertionCreator: Assert<R>.() -> Unit): AssertionPlant<R>

Creates an AssertionPlant, for the value returned by calling method, which eventually adds AssertionGroups with a FeatureAssertionGroupType, containing the assertions created for the return value, to the current plant -- starting with a group consisting of the Assertions created by the assertionCreator lambda.

fun <T : Any, T1, R : Any> Assert<T>.rueckgabewertVon(method: KFunction1<T1, R>, arg1: T1): AssertionPlant<R>
fun <T : Any, T1, R : Any> Assert<T>.rueckgabewertVon(method: KFunction2<T, T1, R>, arg1: T1): AssertionPlant<R>

Creates an AssertionPlant, for the value returned by calling method with arg1, which eventually adds AssertionGroups with a FeatureAssertionGroupType, containing the assertions created for the return value, to the current plant.

fun <T : Any, T1, R : Any> Assert<T>.rueckgabewertVon(method: KFunction1<T1, R>, arg1: T1, assertionCreator: Assert<R>.() -> Unit): AssertionPlant<R>
fun <T : Any, T1, R : Any> Assert<T>.rueckgabewertVon(method: KFunction2<T, T1, R>, arg1: T1, assertionCreator: Assert<R>.() -> Unit): AssertionPlant<R>

Creates an AssertionPlant, for the value returned by calling method with arg1, which eventually adds AssertionGroups with a FeatureAssertionGroupType, containing the assertions created for the return value, to the current plant -- starting with a group consisting of the Assertions created by the assertionCreator lambda.

fun <T : Any, T1, T2, R : Any> Assert<T>.rueckgabewertVon(method: KFunction2<T1, T2, R>, arg1: T1, arg2: T2): AssertionPlant<R>
fun <T : Any, T1, T2, R : Any> Assert<T>.rueckgabewertVon(method: KFunction3<T, T1, T2, R>, arg1: T1, arg2: T2): AssertionPlant<R>

Creates an AssertionPlant, for the value returned by calling method with arg1 and arg2, which eventually adds AssertionGroups with a FeatureAssertionGroupType, containing the assertions created for the return value, to the current plant.

fun <T : Any, T1, T2, R : Any> Assert<T>.rueckgabewertVon(method: KFunction2<T1, T2, R>, arg1: T1, arg2: T2, assertionCreator: Assert<R>.() -> Unit): AssertionPlant<R>
fun <T : Any, T1, T2, R : Any> Assert<T>.rueckgabewertVon(method: KFunction3<T, T1, T2, R>, arg1: T1, arg2: T2, assertionCreator: Assert<R>.() -> Unit): AssertionPlant<R>

Creates an AssertionPlant, for the value returned by calling method with arg1 and arg2, which eventually adds AssertionGroups with a FeatureAssertionGroupType, containing the assertions created for the return value, to the current plant -- starting with a group consisting of the Assertions created by the assertionCreator lambda.

fun <T : Any, T1, T2, T3, R : Any> Assert<T>.rueckgabewertVon(method: KFunction3<T1, T2, T3, R>, arg1: T1, arg2: T2, arg3: T3): AssertionPlant<R>
fun <T : Any, T1, T2, T3, R : Any> Assert<T>.rueckgabewertVon(method: KFunction4<T, T1, T2, T3, R>, arg1: T1, arg2: T2, arg3: T3): AssertionPlant<R>

Creates an AssertionPlant, for the value returned by calling method with arg1, arg2 and arg3, which eventually adds AssertionGroups with a FeatureAssertionGroupType, containing the assertions created for the return value, to the current plant.

fun <T : Any, T1, T2, T3, R : Any> Assert<T>.rueckgabewertVon(method: KFunction3<T1, T2, T3, R>, arg1: T1, arg2: T2, arg3: T3, assertionCreator: Assert<R>.() -> Unit): AssertionPlant<R>
fun <T : Any, T1, T2, T3, R : Any> Assert<T>.rueckgabewertVon(method: KFunction4<T, T1, T2, T3, R>, arg1: T1, arg2: T2, arg3: T3, assertionCreator: Assert<R>.() -> Unit): AssertionPlant<R>

Creates an AssertionPlant, for the value returned by calling method with arg1, arg2 and arg3, which eventually adds AssertionGroups with a FeatureAssertionGroupType, containing the assertions created for the return value, to the current plant -- starting with a group consisting of the Assertions created by the assertionCreator lambda.

fun <T : Any, T1, T2, T3, T4, R : Any> Assert<T>.rueckgabewertVon(method: KFunction4<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>, arg1: T1, arg2: T2, arg3: T3, arg4: T4): AssertionPlant<R>
fun <T : Any, T1, T2, T3, T4, R : Any> Assert<T>.rueckgabewertVon(method: KFunction5<T, T1, T2, T3, T4, R>, arg1: T1, arg2: T2, arg3: T3, arg4: T4): AssertionPlant<R>

Creates an AssertionPlant, for the value returned by calling method with arg1, arg2, arg3 and arg4, which eventually adds AssertionGroups with a FeatureAssertionGroupType, containing the assertions created for the return value, to the current plant.

fun <T : Any, T1, T2, T3, T4, R : Any> Assert<T>.rueckgabewertVon(method: KFunction4<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>, arg1: T1, arg2: T2, arg3: T3, arg4: T4, assertionCreator: Assert<R>.() -> Unit): AssertionPlant<R>
fun <T : Any, T1, T2, T3, T4, R : Any> Assert<T>.rueckgabewertVon(method: KFunction5<T, T1, T2, T3, T4, R>, arg1: T1, arg2: T2, arg3: T3, arg4: T4, assertionCreator: Assert<R>.() -> Unit): AssertionPlant<R>

Creates an AssertionPlant, for the value returned by calling method with arg1, arg2, arg3 and arg4, which eventually adds AssertionGroups with a FeatureAssertionGroupType, containing the assertions created for the return value, to the current plant -- starting with a group consisting of the Assertions created by the assertionCreator lambda.

fun <T : Any, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, R : Any> Assert<T>.rueckgabewertVon(method: KFunction5<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, R>, arg1: T1, arg2: T2, arg3: T3, arg4: T4, arg5: T5): AssertionPlant<R>
fun <T : Any, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, R : Any> Assert<T>.rueckgabewertVon(method: KFunction6<T, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, R>, arg1: T1, arg2: T2, arg3: T3, arg4: T4, arg5: T5): AssertionPlant<R>

Creates an AssertionPlant, for the value returned by calling method with arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4 and arg5, which eventually adds AssertionGroups with a FeatureAssertionGroupType, containing the assertions created for the return value, to the current plant.

fun <T : Any, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, R : Any> Assert<T>.rueckgabewertVon(method: KFunction5<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, R>, arg1: T1, arg2: T2, arg3: T3, arg4: T4, arg5: T5, assertionCreator: Assert<R>.() -> Unit): AssertionPlant<R>
fun <T : Any, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, R : Any> Assert<T>.rueckgabewertVon(method: KFunction6<T, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, R>, arg1: T1, arg2: T2, arg3: T3, arg4: T4, arg5: T5, assertionCreator: Assert<R>.() -> Unit): AssertionPlant<R>

Creates an AssertionPlant, for the value returned by calling method with arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4 and arg5, which eventually adds AssertionGroups with a FeatureAssertionGroupType, containing the assertions created for the return value, to the current plant -- starting with a group consisting of the Assertions created by the assertionCreator lambda.


fun <K, V : Any> Assert<Pair<K, V>>.second(assertionCreator: Assert<V>.() -> Unit): AssertionPlant<Pair<K, V>>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject's property second holds all assertions the given assertionCreator might create for it.


fun <K, V : Any> Assert<Pair<K, V>>.second(assertionCreator: Assert<V>.() -> Unit): AssertionPlant<Pair<K, V>>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject's property second holds all assertions the given assertionCreator might create for it.


infix fun <K, V : Any> Assert<Pair<K, V>>.second(assertionCreator: Assert<V>.() -> Unit): AssertionPlant<Pair<K, V>>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject's property second holds all assertions the given assertionCreator might create for it.


fun <E, T : Collection<E>> Assert<T>.size(assertionCreator: Assert<Int>.() -> Unit): Assert<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject's property size holds all assertions the given assertionCreator might create for it.


fun <E, T : Collection<E>> Assert<T>.size(assertionCreator: Assert<Int>.() -> Unit): Assert<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject's property size holds all assertions the given assertionCreator might create for it.


infix fun <E, T : Collection<E>> Assert<T>.size(assertionCreator: Assert<Int>.() -> Unit): Assert<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject's property size holds all assertions the given assertionCreator might create for it.


fun <T : CharSequence> Assert<T>.startsNotWith(expected: CharSequence): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject does not start with expected.


infix fun <T : CharSequence> Assert<T>.startsNotWith(expected: CharSequence): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject does not start with expected.


fun <T : CharSequence> Assert<T>.startsNotWith(expected: CharSequence): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject does not start with expected.


infix fun <T : CharSequence> Assert<T>.startsNotWith(expected: CharSequence): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject does not start with expected.


fun <T : CharSequence> Assert<T>.startsWith(expected: CharSequence): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject starts with expected.


infix fun <T : CharSequence> Assert<T>.startsWith(expected: CharSequence): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject starts with expected.


fun <T : CharSequence> Assert<T>.startsWith(expected: CharSequence): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject starts with expected.


infix fun <T : CharSequence> Assert<T>.startsWith(expected: CharSequence): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject starts with expected.


infix fun <T : CharSequence> Assert<T>.to(contain: contain): CharSequenceContains.Builder<T, NoOpSearchBehaviour>

Creates a CharSequenceContains.Builder based on this AssertionPlant which allows to define a sophisticated contains assertions.


infix fun <T : CharSequence> Assert<T>.to(contain: contain): CharSequenceContains.Builder<T, NoOpSearchBehaviour>

Creates a CharSequenceContains.Builder based on this AssertionPlant which allows to define a sophisticated contains assertions.


fun <T : Any> Assert<T>.toBe(expected: T): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject is (equal to) expected.


infix fun <T : Any> Assert<T>.toBe(expected: T): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject is (equal to) expected.

infix fun <T : CharSequence> Assert<T>.toBe(Empty: Empty): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject CharSequence.kotlin.text.isEmpty.


fun <T : Any> Assert<T>.toBe(expected: T): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject is (equal to) expected.


infix fun <T : Any> Assert<T>.toBe(expected: T): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject is (equal to) expected.

infix fun <T : Any> Assert<T>.toBe(keyword: Keyword): Nothinginfix fun <T : CharSequence> Assert<T>.toBe(Empty: Empty): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject CharSequence.kotlin.text.isEmpty.


fun Assert<Float>.toBeWithErrorTolerance(expected: Float, tolerance: Float): AssertionPlant<Float>
fun Assert<Double>.toBeWithErrorTolerance(expected: Double, tolerance: Double): AssertionPlant<Double>
fun Assert<BigDecimal>.toBeWithErrorTolerance(expected: BigDecimal, tolerance: BigDecimal): AssertionPlant<BigDecimal>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject is equal to expected with an error tolerance (range including bounds).


fun Assert<Float>.toBeWithErrorTolerance(expected: Float, tolerance: Float): AssertionPlant<Float>
fun Assert<Double>.toBeWithErrorTolerance(expected: Double, tolerance: Double): AssertionPlant<Double>
fun Assert<BigDecimal>.toBeWithErrorTolerance(expected: BigDecimal, tolerance: BigDecimal): AssertionPlant<BigDecimal>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject is equal to expected with an error tolerance (range including bounds).


infix fun <T : Any> AssertionPlant<T>.und(assertionCreator: Assert<T>.() -> Unit): AssertionPlant<T>

Can be used to create a group of sub assertions when using the fluent API.


fun <K, V : Any> Assert<Entry<K, V>>.value(assertionCreator: Assert<V>.() -> Unit): AssertionPlant<Entry<K, V>>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject's property value holds all assertions the given assertionCreator might create for it.


fun <K, V : Any> Assert<Entry<K, V>>.value(assertionCreator: Assert<V>.() -> Unit): AssertionPlant<Entry<K, V>>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject's property value holds all assertions the given assertionCreator might create for it.


infix fun <K, V : Any> Assert<Entry<K, V>>.value(assertionCreator: Assert<V>.() -> Unit): AssertionPlant<Entry<K, V>>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject's property value holds all assertions the given assertionCreator might create for it.


fun <K, V, T : Map<out K, V>> Assert<T>.values(assertionCreator: Assert<Collection<V>>.() -> Unit): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject's property values holds all assertions the given assertionCreator might create for it.


fun <K, V, T : Map<K, V>> Assert<T>.values(assertionCreator: Assert<Collection<V>>.() -> Unit): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject's property values holds all assertions the given assertionCreator might create for it.


infix fun <K, V, T : Map<out K, V>> Assert<T>.values(assertionCreator: Assert<Collection<V>>.() -> Unit): AssertionPlant<T>

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject's property values holds all assertions the given assertionCreator might create.



interface CheckingAssertionPlant<out T : Any> : AssertionPlant<T>

Represents a plant for Assertions and offers the possibility to check whether allAssertionsHold which have been added to this plant (since the last check).


interface CollectingAssertionPlant<out T : Any> : AssertionPlant<T>, BaseCollectingAssertionPlant<T, AssertionPlant<T>, CollectingAssertionPlant<T>>

Represents an AssertionPlant which is intended to serve as receiver object for lambdas which create Assertions, in which this assertion plant collects the so created assertions.


interface ReportingAssertionPlant<out T : Any> : AssertionPlant<T>, BaseReportingAssertionPlant<T, AssertionPlant<T>>

Represents a plant for Assertions and offers the possibility to addAssertions and to report them.