fun <T : Any> assert(subject: T): ReportingAssertionPlant<T>
Creates an AssertionPlant for the given subject.
The newly created plant.
See Also
fun <T : Any> assert(subject: T, assertionCreator: Assert<T>.() -> Unit): AssertionPlant<T>
Creates an AssertionPlant for the given subject and AssertionPlant.addAssertionsCreatedBy the given assertionCreator lambda where the created Assertions are added as a group and usually (depending on the configured Reporter) reportBuilder as a whole.
The newly created plant.
See Also
fun assert(act: () -> Unit): ThrowableThrown.Builder
Creates a ThrowableThrown.Builder for the given function act which is expected to throw a Throwable.
The newly created ThrowableThrown.Builder.
fun <T : Any, R : Any> Assert<T>.assert(newSubject: R): Assert<R>