ch.tutteli.atrium.spec.assertions.AnyAssertionsSpec |
ch.tutteli.atrium.reporting.translating.ArgumentsSupportingTranslator |
Represents an ITranslator which supports ITranslatableWithArgs.
ch.tutteli.atrium.creating.AssertionCollector |
ch.tutteli.atrium.spec.reporting.AssertionFormatterControllerSpec |
ch.tutteli.atrium.reporting.AssertionFormatterMethodObject |
A method object used for interactions between IAssertionFormatterController and IAssertionFormatter.
ch.tutteli.atrium.spec.reporting.AssertionFormatterSpec |
ch.tutteli.atrium.spec.reporting.AssertionFormatterSpecBase |
ch.tutteli.atrium.assertions.AssertionGroup |
Represents a group of IAssertions -- it has a certain type, a name, a subject and of course assertions.
ch.tutteli.atrium.verbs.AssertionVerb |
The ITranslatables for the assertion functions assert, assertThat and expect.
ch.tutteli.atrium.AtriumFactory |
A dummy implementation of IAtriumFactory which should be replaced by an actual implementation.
ch.tutteli.atrium.assertions.BasicAssertion |
A default implementation for IBasicAssertion which lazily evaluates holds.
ch.tutteli.atrium.spec.assertions.BooleanAssertionsSpec |
ch.tutteli.atrium.spec.assertions.CharSequenceAssertionsSpec |
ch.tutteli.atrium.assertions.charsequence.contains.creators.CharSequenceContainsAssertionCreator |
Represents a creator of sophisticated contains assertions for CharSequence.
ch.tutteli.atrium.spec.assertions.CharSequenceContainsAtLeastAssertionSpec |
ch.tutteli.atrium.assertions.charsequence.contains.checkers.CharSequenceContainsAtLeastChecker |
Represents a check that an expected object is contained at least times in the search input.
| |
Represents the builder of a contains at least check within the fluent API of a sophisticated
contains assertion for CharSequence.
| |
Represents the builder of a contains at least check within the fluent API of a sophisticated
contains assertion for CharSequence.
| |
The base class for builders which create a contains at least check within the fluent API of a sophisticated
contains assertion for CharSequence.
ch.tutteli.atrium.spec.assertions.CharSequenceContainsAtMostAssertionSpec |
ch.tutteli.atrium.assertions.charsequence.contains.checkers.CharSequenceContainsAtMostChecker |
Represents a check that an expected object is contained at most times in the search input.
| |
Represents the builder of a contains at least once but at most check within the fluent API of a
sophisticated contains assertion for CharSequence.
| |
Represents the builder of a contains at least once but at most check within the fluent API of a
sophisticated contains assertion for CharSequence.
| |
The base class for builders which create a contains at least once but at most check within the fluent API of a
sophisticated contains assertion for CharSequence.
| |
Represents the entry point of the fluent API of sophisticated contains assertions.
It contains the plant for which the IAssertion shall be build as well as the decoration behaviour which shall be
applied to the plant's subject.
| |
Represents the builder of the second step of a contains at least but at most check within the
fluent API of a sophisticated contains assertion for CharSequence.
| |
Represents the builder of the second step of a contains at least but at most check within the
fluent API of a sophisticated contains assertion for CharSequence.
| |
The base class for builders which create the second step of a contains at least but at most check within the
fluent API of a sophisticated contains assertion for CharSequence.
ch.tutteli.atrium.assertions.charsequence.contains.checkers.CharSequenceContainsChecker |
Represents the base class for ICharSequenceContains.IChecker.
| |
The base class for builders which create ICheckers within the fluent API of a sophisticated
contains assertion which was started with the given containsBuilder.
ch.tutteli.atrium.spec.assertions.CharSequenceContainsContainsNotAssertionSpec |
ch.tutteli.atrium.spec.assertions.CharSequenceContainsExactlyAssertionSpec |
ch.tutteli.atrium.assertions.charsequence.contains.checkers.CharSequenceContainsExactlyChecker |
Represents a check that an expected object is contained exactly times in the search input.
| |
Represents the builder of a contains exactly check within the fluent API of a sophisticated
contains assertion for CharSequence.
| |
Represents the builder of a contains exactly check within the fluent API of a sophisticated
contains assertion for CharSequence.
| |
The base class for builders which create a contains exactly check within the fluent API of a sophisticated
contains assertion for CharSequence.
ch.tutteli.atrium.assertions.charsequence.contains.searchers.CharSequenceContainsIgnoringCaseIndexSearcher |
Represents an ISearcher which implements the CharSequenceContainsIgnoringCaseSearchBehaviour behaviour and uses
CharSequence.indexOf to find expected objects.
ch.tutteli.atrium.assertions.charsequence.contains.searchers.CharSequenceContainsIgnoringCaseRegexSearcher |
Represents an ISearcher which implements the CharSequenceContainsIgnoringCaseSearchBehaviour behaviour and evaluates
the matches of a given regular expression on the input of the search.
ch.tutteli.atrium.assertions.charsequence.contains.searchbehaviours.CharSequenceContainsIgnoringCaseSearchBehaviour |
Represents the search behaviour that an ICharSequenceContains.ISearcher should ignore case
when searching for an expected object.
ch.tutteli.atrium.assertions.charsequence.contains.searchers.CharSequenceContainsIndexSearcher |
Represents an ISearcher which uses CharSequence.indexOf to find expected objects.
ch.tutteli.atrium.assertions.charsequence.contains.searchbehaviours.CharSequenceContainsNoOpSearchBehaviour |
Represents the default search behaviour or rather does not define a search behaviour at all.
ch.tutteli.atrium.spec.assertions.CharSequenceContainsNotOrAtMostAssertionSpec |
| |
Represents the builder of a contains not or at most check within the fluent API of a
sophisticated contains assertion for CharSequence.
| |
Represents the builder of a contains not or at most check within the fluent API of a
sophisticated contains assertion for CharSequence.
| |
The base class for builders which create a contains not or at most check within the fluent API of a
sophisticated contains assertion for CharSequence.
ch.tutteli.atrium.spec.assertions.CharSequenceContainsRegexAssertionSpec |
ch.tutteli.atrium.assertions.charsequence.contains.searchers.CharSequenceContainsRegexSearcher |
Represents an ISearcher which evaluates the matches of a given regular expression on the input of the search.
ch.tutteli.atrium.spec.assertions.CharSequenceContainsSpecBase |
ch.tutteli.atrium.spec.creating.CheckingAssertionPlantSpec |
ch.tutteli.atrium.spec.assertions.CheckingAssertionSpec |
ch.tutteli.atrium.spec.creating.CollectingAssertionPlantSpec |
ch.tutteli.atrium.spec.assertions.CollectionAssertionsSpec |
ch.tutteli.atrium.assertions.basic.contains.creators.ContainsAssertionCreator |
Represents the base class for IContains.ICreators, providing a template to fulfill its job.
| |
Represents the base class for builders representing the entry point of the process of building a sophisticated
contains assertion.
ch.tutteli.atrium.assertions.basic.contains.checkers.ContainsChecker |
Represents a base class for IContains.ICheckers which compare how many occurrences of an expected object are found
in the input of the search, against how many times the check expect it to be contained.
| |
Represents the base class for builders representing a checking step in the process of building a sophisticated
contains assertion.
ch.tutteli.atrium.assertions.basic.contains.creators.ContainsObjectsAssertionCreator |
Represents the base class for IContains.ICreators which use bare objects as search criteria (matching them
with == ).
ch.tutteli.atrium.spec.checking.DelegatingAssertionCheckerSpec |
ch.tutteli.atrium.assertions.DescriptionAnyAssertion |
Contains the IBasicAssertion.descriptions of the assertion functions which are applicable to Any.
ch.tutteli.atrium.assertions.DescriptionBasic |
Contains the IBasicAssertion.descriptions which are so basic that one does not want to use a different wording in
a two different assertion functions.
ch.tutteli.atrium.assertions.DescriptionCharSequenceAssertion |
Contains the IBasicAssertion.descriptions of the assertion functions which are applicable to CharSequence.
ch.tutteli.atrium.assertions.DescriptionCollectionAssertion |
Contains the IBasicAssertion.descriptions of the assertion functions which are applicable to Collection.
ch.tutteli.atrium.assertions.DescriptionIterableAssertion |
Contains the IBasicAssertion.descriptions of the assertion functions which are applicable to Iterable.
ch.tutteli.atrium.assertions.DescriptionNarrowingAssertion |
Contains the IBasicAssertion.descriptions of the assertion functions which postulate that a
IAssertionPlant.subject of type T can be narrowed to TSub where TSub <: T .
ch.tutteli.atrium.assertions.DescriptionNumberAssertion |
Contains the IBasicAssertion.descriptions of the assertion functions which are applicable to Number.
ch.tutteli.atrium.assertions.DescriptionThrowableAssertion |
Contains the IBasicAssertion.descriptions of the assertion functions which are applicable to Throwable.
ch.tutteli.atrium.assertions.any.narrow.DownCaster |
Helps to make an assertion about the IBaseAssertionPlant.subject, that it is of type T and can be
down-casted to type TSub.
ch.tutteli.atrium.assertions.EmptyNameAndSubjectAssertionGroup |
Represents a base class for IAssertionGroups which have an empty name and subject.
ch.tutteli.atrium.spec.reporting.EmptyNameAndSubjectAssertionGroupFormatterSpec |
ch.tutteli.atrium.assertions.ExplanatoryAssertion |
Represents an assertion which only wants to give an explanation
ch.tutteli.atrium.assertions.ExplanatoryAssertionGroup |
Represents an IAssertionGroup with an ExplanatoryAssertionGroupType, which means an IReporter should not
show whether the assertions hold or not -- moreover holds always returns true .
ch.tutteli.atrium.assertions.ExplanatoryAssertionGroupType |
The IAssertionGroupType for IAssertionGroups whose assertions are used to explain
something rather than pointing something out -- accordingly the IAssertionGroup.holds should always return true .
ch.tutteli.atrium.assertions.any.narrow.failurehandler.ExplanatoryDownCastFailureHandler |
Represents an IAnyNarrow.IDownCastFailureHandler which wraps subsequent assertions into an
ch.tutteli.atrium.spec.checking.FeatureAssertionCheckerSpec |
ch.tutteli.atrium.assertions.FeatureAssertionGroupType |
The IAssertionGroupType for IAssertionGroups which contain any kind of feature assertions.
ch.tutteli.atrium.spec.assertions.FeatureAssertionsSpec |
ch.tutteli.atrium.assertions.FixHoldsAssertionGroup |
Represents a group of IAssertions -- it has a certain type, a name, a subject, assertions and a fixed
value for holds which does not depend on assertions (usually indirectly).
ch.tutteli.atrium.assertions.any.narrow.IAnyNarrow |
Defines the contract for sophisticated narrowing assertion builders.
ch.tutteli.atrium.assertions.IAssertion |
The base interface of all assertions, providing the method holds.
ch.tutteli.atrium.checking.IAssertionChecker |
Checks given IAssertions and reports if one of them fails.
ch.tutteli.atrium.reporting.IAssertionFormatter |
Represents a formatter for IAssertions and IAssertionGroups.
ch.tutteli.atrium.reporting.IAssertionFormatterController |
Responsible to control the flow of reporting using registered IAssertionFormatters.
ch.tutteli.atrium.reporting.IAssertionFormatterFacade |
Responsible to call an appropriate IAssertionFormatter which supports formating a given IAssertion.
ch.tutteli.atrium.assertions.IAssertionGroup |
The base interface for IAssertion groups, providing a default implementation for IAssertion.holds
which returns true if all its assertions hold.
ch.tutteli.atrium.assertions.IAssertionGroupType |
Represents a type of an IAssertionGroup.
ch.tutteli.atrium.reporting.IAssertionPairFormatter |
Represents a formatter of assertion pairs -- which consists of a ITranslatable and a representation.
ch.tutteli.atrium.creating.IAssertionPlant |
Represents a plant for IAssertions based on a non nullable subject.
ch.tutteli.atrium.creating.IAssertionPlantNullable |
Represents an assertion plant for nullable types.
ch.tutteli.atrium.creating.IAssertionPlantWithCommonFields |
An assertion plant which has CommonFields.
ch.tutteli.atrium.spec.IAssertionVerbFactory |
ch.tutteli.atrium.IAtriumFactory |
The minimum contract of the 'abstract factory' of atrium.
ch.tutteli.atrium.creating.IBaseAssertionPlant |
Represents a plant for IAssertions and offers methods to create and
to add assertions to this plant.
ch.tutteli.atrium.creating.IBaseReportingAssertionPlant |
ch.tutteli.atrium.assertions.IBasicAssertion |
The base interface for IAssertions which only consists of the expected result with a complementary description.
ch.tutteli.atrium.assertions.IBulletPointIdentifier |
A marker interface for types which can be used to identify bullet points in
ch.tutteli.atrium.assertions.charsequence.contains.ICharSequenceContains |
Defines the contract for sophisticated CharSequence contains assertions.
ch.tutteli.atrium.creating.ICheckingAssertionPlant |
Represents a plant for IAssertions and offers the possibility to check whether allAssertionsHold which have been
added to this plant (since the last check).
ch.tutteli.atrium.creating.ICollectingAssertionPlant |
Represents an IAssertionPlant which is intended to serve as receiver object for lambdas which create
IAssertions, in which this assertion plant collects the so created assertions.
ch.tutteli.atrium.assertions.basic.contains.IContains |
Defines the basic contract for sophisticated contains assertion builders.
ch.tutteli.atrium.assertions.IDoNotFilterAssertionGroupType |
An IAssertionGroupType which indicates that a IReporter should not filter its IAssertionGroup.assertions.
ch.tutteli.atrium.assertions.IExplanatoryAssertion |
Represents an IAssertion which is typically used in an IAssertionGroup with a IExplanatoryAssertionGroupType
and provides an explanation which is typically formatted by an IObjectFormatter in reporting.
ch.tutteli.atrium.assertions.IExplanatoryAssertionGroupType |
Represents the IAssertionGroupType for IAssertionGroups whose assertions are mainly
used to explain something -- it is not of importance whether they hold or not and thus such IAssertionGroups should
always return true for holds.
ch.tutteli.atrium.assertions.IFeatureAssertionGroupType |
Represents the IAssertionGroupType for IAssertionGroups which contain some kind of feature assertions.
ch.tutteli.atrium.assertions.IIndentAssertionGroupType |
Represents the IAssertionGroupType for IAssertionGroups whose assertions
should be displayed with an extra indent. Such a group might have a and
IAssertionGroup.subject (by accident) but should not be mentioned in reporting.
ch.tutteli.atrium.assertions.IInvisibleAssertionGroupType |
Represents the IAssertionGroupType for IAssertionGroups whose assertions should
be displayed in a manner that the user does not even notice that the IAssertions have been grouped.
ch.tutteli.atrium.assertions.iterable.contains.IIterableContains |
Defines the contract for sophisticated Iterable contains assertions.
ch.tutteli.atrium.assertions.IListAssertionGroupType |
Represents the IAssertionGroupType for IAssertionGroups whose assertions should
be displayed in a list (up to the IReporter if it is a list with bullets, squares etc.).
ch.tutteli.atrium.reporting.translating.ILocaleOrderDecider |
Responsible to decide in which order Locales should be processed.
ch.tutteli.atrium.reporting.IMethodCallFormatter |
Responsible to format a method call in reporting.
ch.tutteli.atrium.reporting.IObjectFormatter |
Represents a formatter for objects.
ch.tutteli.atrium.reporting.IRawString |
Marker interface for types which provide a raw string functionality
and should be treated accordingly in reporting (e.g., in IObjectFormatter).
ch.tutteli.atrium.reporting.IReporter |
Represents a reporter which reports about IAssertions.
ch.tutteli.atrium.creating.IReportingAssertionPlant |
Represents a plant for IAssertions and offers the possibility to check all
the added assertions which includes error reporting.
ch.tutteli.atrium.creating.IReportingAssertionPlantNullable |
ch.tutteli.atrium.reporting.translating.ISimpleTranslatable |
Something which is ITranslatable and provides a default representation by value.
ch.tutteli.atrium.assertions.ISummaryAssertionGroupType |
Represents the IAssertionGroupType for IAssertionGroups whose assertions should
all be reported in reporting (no filtering by an IReporter) since it represents a summary which itself
will point out which assertions hold and which do not.
ch.tutteli.atrium.assertions.throwable.thrown.IThrowableThrown |
Defines the contract for sophisticated a Throwable was thrown assertions.
ch.tutteli.atrium.reporting.translating.ITranslatable |
Something which is translatable, identified by id with a default representation given by getDefault.
ch.tutteli.atrium.reporting.translating.ITranslatableWithArgs |
Represents a ITranslatable with arguments.
ch.tutteli.atrium.reporting.translating.ITranslationSupplier |
A supplier of translations for ITranslatables for particular Locales.
ch.tutteli.atrium.reporting.translating.ITranslator |
Represents a translator of ITranslatables.
ch.tutteli.atrium.assertions.IndentAssertionGroup |
Represents an IAssertionGroup with an IIndentAssertionGroupType, which means the assertions shall be
indented one extra level and name and subject shall be neglected (not reported to the output).
ch.tutteli.atrium.assertions.IndentAssertionGroupType |
The IAssertionGroupType for IAssertionGroups whose assertions should be displayed with an extra indent.
ch.tutteli.atrium.spec.reporting.IndentBasedAssertionGroupFormatterSpec |
ch.tutteli.atrium.assertions.InvisibleAssertionGroup |
Represents an IAssertionGroup with an InvisibleAssertionGroupType, which means the grouping should be
invisible in reporting.
ch.tutteli.atrium.spec.reporting.InvisibleAssertionGroupFormatterSpec |
ch.tutteli.atrium.assertions.InvisibleAssertionGroupType |
The IAssertionGroupType for IAssertionGroups whose grouping behaviour should be kind of invisible to the user.
ch.tutteli.atrium.assertions.iterable.contains.checkers.IterableContainsAtLeastChecker |
Represents a check that an expected entry is contained at least times in the Iterable.
| |
Represents the builder of a contains at least check within the fluent API of a sophisticated
contains assertion for Iterable.
| |
Represents the builder of a contains at least check within the fluent API of a sophisticated
contains assertion for Iterable.
| |
The base class for builders which create a contains at least check within the fluent API of a sophisticated
contains assertion for Iterable.
ch.tutteli.atrium.assertions.iterable.contains.checkers.IterableContainsAtMostChecker |
Represents a check that an expected entry is contained at most times in the Iterable.
| |
Represents the builder of a contains at least once but at most check within the fluent API of a
sophisticated contains assertion for Iterable.
| |
Represents the builder of a contains at least once but at most check within the fluent API of a
sophisticated contains assertion for Iterable.
| |
The base class for builders which create a contains at least once but at most check within the fluent API of a
sophisticated contains assertion for Iterable.
| |
Represents the entry point of the fluent API of sophisticated contains assertions.
It contains the plant for which the IAssertion shall be build as well as the decoration behaviour which shall be
applied to the plant's subject.
| |
Represents the builder of the second step of a contains at least but at most check within the
fluent API of a sophisticated contains assertion for Iterable.
| |
Represents the builder of the second step of a contains at least but at most check within the
fluent API of a sophisticated contains assertion for Iterable.
| |
The base class for builders which create the second step of a contains at least but at most check within the
fluent API of a sophisticated contains assertion for Iterable.
ch.tutteli.atrium.assertions.iterable.contains.checkers.IterableContainsChecker |
Represents the base class for IIterableContains.IChecker.
| |
The base class for builders which create ICheckers within the fluent API of a sophisticated
contains assertion which was started with the given containsBuilder.
ch.tutteli.atrium.spec.assertions.IterableContainsContainsNotAssertionSpec |
ch.tutteli.atrium.spec.assertions.IterableContainsEntriesSpecBase |
ch.tutteli.atrium.assertions.iterable.contains.checkers.IterableContainsExactlyChecker |
Represents a check that an expected object is contained exactly times in the search input.
| |
Represents the builder of a contains exactly check within the fluent API of a sophisticated
contains assertion for Iterable.
| |
Represents the builder of a contains exactly check within the fluent API of a sophisticated
contains assertion for Iterable.
| |
The base class for builders which create a contains exactly check within the fluent API of a sophisticated
contains assertion for Iterable.
ch.tutteli.atrium.spec.assertions.IterableContainsInAnyOrderAtLeastObjectsAssertionSpec |
ch.tutteli.atrium.spec.assertions.IterableContainsInAnyOrderAtMostObjectsAssertionSpec |
ch.tutteli.atrium.assertions.iterable.contains.creators.IterableContainsInAnyOrderEntriesAssertionCreator |
Represents a creator of a sophisticated contains assertions for Iterable where an expected entry can appear
in any order and is identified by holding a group of assertions, created by an assertion creator lambda.
ch.tutteli.atrium.spec.assertions.IterableContainsInAnyOrderEntriesSpec |
ch.tutteli.atrium.spec.assertions.IterableContainsInAnyOrderExactlyObjectsAssertionSpec |
ch.tutteli.atrium.spec.assertions.IterableContainsInAnyOrderNotOrAtMostObjectsAssertionSpec |
ch.tutteli.atrium.assertions.iterable.contains.creators.IterableContainsInAnyOrderObjectsAssertionCreator |
Represents a creator of a sophisticated contains assertions for Iterable where an expected entry can appear
in any order and is identified by expected objects (equality comparison).
ch.tutteli.atrium.assertions.iterable.contains.creators.IterableContainsInAnyOrderOnlyAssertionCreator |
Represents the base class for in any order only assertion creators and provides a corresponding template to fulfill
its responsibility.
ch.tutteli.atrium.assertions.iterable.contains.creators.IterableContainsInAnyOrderOnlyEntriesAssertionCreator |
Represents a creator of a sophisticated contains assertions for Iterable where exactly the expected entries have
to appear in the Iterable but in any order -- an entry is identified by holding a group of assertions
created by an assertion creator lambda.
ch.tutteli.atrium.spec.assertions.IterableContainsInAnyOrderOnlyEntriesSpec |
ch.tutteli.atrium.assertions.iterable.contains.creators.IterableContainsInAnyOrderOnlyObjectsAssertionCreator |
Represents a creator of a sophisticated contains assertions for Iterable where exactly the expected entries have
to appear in the Iterable but in any order -- an entry is identified by an expected object (equality comparison).
ch.tutteli.atrium.spec.assertions.IterableContainsInAnyOrderOnlyObjectsSpec |
ch.tutteli.atrium.assertions.iterable.contains.searchbehaviours.IterableContainsInAnyOrderOnlySearchBehaviour |
Represents the search behaviour that expected entries might appear in any order within the Iterable but that
the resulting assertion should not hold if there are less entries than expected or more.
ch.tutteli.atrium.assertions.iterable.contains.searchbehaviours.IterableContainsInAnyOrderSearchBehaviour |
Represents the search behaviour that expected entries might appear in any order within the Iterable.
ch.tutteli.atrium.assertions.iterable.contains.creators.IterableContainsInOrderOnlyAssertionCreator |
Represents the base class for in order only assertion creators and provides a corresponding template to fulfill
its responsibility.
ch.tutteli.atrium.assertions.iterable.contains.creators.IterableContainsInOrderOnlyEntriesAssertionCreator |
Represents a creator of a sophisticated contains assertions for Iterable where exactly the expected entries
have to appear in the specified order and where an entry is identified by holding a group of assertions,
created by an assertion creator lambda.
ch.tutteli.atrium.spec.assertions.IterableContainsInOrderOnlyEntriesSpec |
ch.tutteli.atrium.assertions.iterable.contains.creators.IterableContainsInOrderOnlyObjectsAssertionCreator |
Represents a creator of a sophisticated contains assertions for Iterable where exactly the expected entries
have to appear in the specified order and where an entry is identified by an expected object (equality comparison).
ch.tutteli.atrium.spec.assertions.IterableContainsInOrderOnlyObjectsSpec |
ch.tutteli.atrium.assertions.iterable.contains.searchbehaviours.IterableContainsInOrderOnlySearchBehaviour |
Represents the search behaviour that expected entries have to appear in the given order within the Iterable and
that the resulting assertion should not hold if there are less entries than expected or more.
ch.tutteli.atrium.assertions.iterable.contains.searchbehaviours.IterableContainsInOrderSearchBehaviour |
Represents the search behaviour that expected entries have to appear in the given order within the Iterable.
| |
Represents a "no IIterableContains.IChecker" option, meaning no checker shall be applied to a search result.
ch.tutteli.atrium.assertions.iterable.contains.searchbehaviours.IterableContainsNoOpSearchBehaviour |
Represents the default search behaviour or rather does not define a search behaviour at all.
| |
Represents the builder of a contains not or at most check within the fluent API of a
sophisticated contains assertion for Iterable.
| |
Represents the builder of a contains not or at most check within the fluent API of a
sophisticated contains assertion for Iterable.
| |
The base class for builders which create a contains not or at most check within the fluent API of a
sophisticated contains assertion for Iterable.
ch.tutteli.atrium.spec.assertions.IterableContainsNullSpec |
ch.tutteli.atrium.spec.assertions.IterableContainsSpecBase |
ch.tutteli.atrium.assertions.LazyThreadUnsafeAssertionGroup |
Represents an IAssertionGroup which is evaluated lazily where the lazy loading is not thread safe.
ch.tutteli.atrium.assertions.LazyThreadUnsafeBasicAssertion |
Represents an IBasicAssertion which is evaluated lazily where the lazy loading is not thread safe.
ch.tutteli.atrium.assertions.ListAssertionGroupType |
The IAssertionGroupType for IAssertionGroups whose assertions should be displayed
in a list.
ch.tutteli.atrium.spec.assertions.NarrowingAssertionsSpec |
ch.tutteli.atrium.spec.assertions.NumberAssertionsSpec |
ch.tutteli.atrium.spec.reporting.ObjectFormatterSpec |
ch.tutteli.atrium.spec.reporting.OnlyFailureReporterSpec |
ch.tutteli.atrium.creating.PlantHasNoSubjectException |
Represents the Exception that an IAssertionPlant.subject was not defined but one tried to access it.
ch.tutteli.atrium.assertions.PrefixFailingSummaryAssertion |
Represents the identifier for bullet points used to prefix IAssertions which do not hold, in context of an
IAssertionGroup with type ISummaryAssertionGroupType.
ch.tutteli.atrium.assertions.PrefixFeatureAssertionGroupHeader |
This class is only used as identifier for IAtriumFactory.registerSameLineTextAssertionFormatterCapabilities.
ch.tutteli.atrium.assertions.PrefixSuccessfulSummaryAssertion |
Represents the identifier for bullet points used to prefix IAssertions which hold, in context of an
IAssertionGroup with type ISummaryAssertionGroupType.
ch.tutteli.atrium.reporting.RawString |
Use this class to represent a String which should be treated as raw String in reporting.
ch.tutteli.atrium.reporting.ReporterBuilder |
A builder to create an IReporter consisting of several components.
ch.tutteli.atrium.spec.creating.ReportingAssertionPlantSpec |
ch.tutteli.atrium.assertions.RootAssertionGroupType |
The IAssertionGroupType for IAssertionGroups which are the root of all assertions.
ch.tutteli.atrium.spec.reporting.SingleAssertionGroupTypeFormatterSpec |
ch.tutteli.atrium.spec.assertions.SubjectLessAssertionSpec |
ch.tutteli.atrium.assertions.SummaryAssertionGroupType |
The IAssertionGroupType for IAssertionGroups whose assertions should not be
filtered (by an IReporter) and for which an IAssertionFormatter should state whether they hold or not.
ch.tutteli.atrium.spec.assertions.TestData |
ch.tutteli.atrium.spec.reporting.TextExplanatoryAssertionGroupFormatterSpec |
ch.tutteli.atrium.spec.reporting.TextExplanatoryBasedAssertionGroupFormatterSpec |
ch.tutteli.atrium.spec.reporting.TextFallbackAssertionFormatterSpec |
ch.tutteli.atrium.spec.reporting.TextFeatureAssertionGroupFormatterSpec |
ch.tutteli.atrium.spec.reporting.TextIndentAssertionGroupFormatterSpec |
ch.tutteli.atrium.spec.reporting.TextListAssertionGroupFormatterSpec |
ch.tutteli.atrium.spec.reporting.TextListBasedAssertionGroupFormatterSpec |
ch.tutteli.atrium.spec.reporting.TextMethodCallFormatterSpec |
ch.tutteli.atrium.spec.reporting.TextSummaryAssertionGroupFormatterSpec |
ch.tutteli.atrium.spec.reporting.TextWarningAssertionGroupFormatterSpec |
ch.tutteli.atrium.spec.assertions.ThrowableAssertionsSpec |
ch.tutteli.atrium.assertions.throwable.thrown.creators.ThrowableThrownAssertionCreator |
Represents a creator of a sophisticated a Throwable (of type TExpected) was thrown assertion.
| |
Represents the entry point of the fluent API of sophisticated a Throwable was thrown assertions.
ch.tutteli.atrium.spec.checking.ThrowingAssertionCheckerSpec |
ch.tutteli.atrium.spec.reporting.ToStringObjectFormatter |
Represents an IObjectFormatter which merely formats a given object by calling its toString
ch.tutteli.atrium.assertions.throwable.thrown.providers.TranslatableAsAbsentThrowableMessageProvider |
Represents an IThrowableThrown.IAbsentThrowableMessageProvider which is using a given ITranslatable which in $
turn explains an absent Throwable.
ch.tutteli.atrium.reporting.translating.TranslatableRawString |
Use this class to represent an ITranslatable which shall be translated and
then be treated as raw String in reporting.
ch.tutteli.atrium.reporting.translating.TranslatableWithArgs |
An ITranslatable which contains placeholders for arguments.
ch.tutteli.atrium.spec.reporting.translating.TranslationSupplierSpec |
If you use this Spec then your reporter needs to use a translator which uses the following translations
which should be in
ch.tutteli.atrium.spec.reporting.translating.TranslatorSpec |
ch.tutteli.atrium.reporting.translating.Untranslatable |
Represents an ITranslatable which is not translatable but has only a fixed name which serves as getDefault.
ch.tutteli.atrium.reporting.translating.UsingDefaultTranslator |
This translator does not translate but uses ITranslatable.getDefault instead
and uses Locale.getDefault as primaryLocale if not defined differently via constructor parameter.
ch.tutteli.atrium.spec.verbs.VerbSpec |
ch.tutteli.atrium.assertions.WarningAssertionGroupType |
The IAssertionGroupType for IAssertionGroups whose assertions are used to state
a warning rather than making an assumption.