doc / ch.tutteli.atrium.assertions

Package ch.tutteli.atrium.assertions

Contains different types of IAssertion -- e.g. BasicAssertion -- as well as assertion function templates which can be used in API modules such as



data class AssertionGroup : IAssertionGroup

Represents a group of IAssertions -- it has a certain type, a name, a subject and of course assertions.


class BasicAssertion : IBasicAssertion

A default implementation for IBasicAssertion which lazily evaluates holds.


enum class DescriptionAnyAssertion : ISimpleTranslatable

Contains the IBasicAssertion.descriptions of the assertion functions which are applicable to Any.


enum class DescriptionBasic : ISimpleTranslatable

Contains the IBasicAssertion.descriptions which are so basic that one does not want to use a different wording in a two different assertion functions.


enum class DescriptionCharSequenceAssertion : ISimpleTranslatable

Contains the IBasicAssertion.descriptions of the assertion functions which are applicable to CharSequence.


enum class DescriptionCollectionAssertion : ISimpleTranslatable

Contains the IBasicAssertion.descriptions of the assertion functions which are applicable to Collection.


enum class DescriptionIterableAssertion : ISimpleTranslatable

Contains the IBasicAssertion.descriptions of the assertion functions which are applicable to Iterable.


enum class DescriptionNarrowingAssertion : ISimpleTranslatable

Contains the IBasicAssertion.descriptions of the assertion functions which postulate that a IAssertionPlant.subject of type T can be narrowed to TSub where TSub <: T.


enum class DescriptionNumberAssertion : ISimpleTranslatable

Contains the IBasicAssertion.descriptions of the assertion functions which are applicable to Number.


enum class DescriptionThrowableAssertion : ISimpleTranslatable

Contains the IBasicAssertion.descriptions of the assertion functions which are applicable to Throwable.


abstract class EmptyNameAndSubjectAssertionGroup : IAssertionGroup

Represents a base class for IAssertionGroups which have an empty name and subject.


class ExplanatoryAssertion : IExplanatoryAssertion

Represents an assertion which only wants to give an explanation


class ExplanatoryAssertionGroup : EmptyNameAndSubjectAssertionGroup

Represents an IAssertionGroup with an ExplanatoryAssertionGroupType, which means an IReporter should not show whether the assertions hold or not -- moreover holds always returns true.


object ExplanatoryAssertionGroupType : IExplanatoryAssertionGroupType

The IAssertionGroupType for IAssertionGroups whose assertions are used to explain something rather than pointing something out -- accordingly the IAssertionGroup.holds should always return true.


object FeatureAssertionGroupType : IFeatureAssertionGroupType

The IAssertionGroupType for IAssertionGroups which contain any kind of feature assertions.


data class FixHoldsAssertionGroup : IAssertionGroup

Represents a group of IAssertions -- it has a certain type, a name, a subject, assertions and a fixed value for holds which does not depend on assertions (usually indirectly).


interface IAssertion

The base interface of all assertions, providing the method holds.


interface IAssertionGroup : IAssertion

The base interface for IAssertion groups, providing a default implementation for IAssertion.holds which returns true if all its assertions hold.


interface IAssertionGroupType : IBulletPointIdentifier

Represents a type of an IAssertionGroup.


interface IBasicAssertion : IAssertion

The base interface for IAssertions which only consists of the expected result with a complementary description.


interface IBulletPointIdentifier

A marker interface for types which can be used to identify bullet points in IAtriumFactory.registerSameLineTextAssertionFormatterCapabilities.


interface IDoNotFilterAssertionGroupType : IAssertionGroupType

An IAssertionGroupType which indicates that a IReporter should not filter its IAssertionGroup.assertions.


interface IExplanatoryAssertion : IAssertion

Represents an IAssertion which is typically used in an IAssertionGroup with a IExplanatoryAssertionGroupType and provides an explanation which is typically formatted by an IObjectFormatter in reporting.


interface IExplanatoryAssertionGroupType : IDoNotFilterAssertionGroupType

Represents the IAssertionGroupType for IAssertionGroups whose assertions are mainly used to explain something -- it is not of importance whether they hold or not and thus such IAssertionGroups should always return true for holds.


interface IFeatureAssertionGroupType : IAssertionGroupType

Represents the IAssertionGroupType for IAssertionGroups which contain some kind of feature assertions.


interface IIndentAssertionGroupType : IAssertionGroupType

Represents the IAssertionGroupType for IAssertionGroups whose assertions should be displayed with an extra indent. Such a group might have a and IAssertionGroup.subject (by accident) but should not be mentioned in reporting.


interface IInvisibleAssertionGroupType : IAssertionGroupType

Represents the IAssertionGroupType for IAssertionGroups whose assertions should be displayed in a manner that the user does not even notice that the IAssertions have been grouped.


interface IListAssertionGroupType : IAssertionGroupType

Represents the IAssertionGroupType for IAssertionGroups whose assertions should be displayed in a list (up to the IReporter if it is a list with bullets, squares etc.).


interface ISummaryAssertionGroupType : IDoNotFilterAssertionGroupType

Represents the IAssertionGroupType for IAssertionGroups whose assertions should all be reported in reporting (no filtering by an IReporter) since it represents a summary which itself will point out which assertions hold and which do not.


class IndentAssertionGroup : EmptyNameAndSubjectAssertionGroup

Represents an IAssertionGroup with an IIndentAssertionGroupType, which means the assertions shall be indented one extra level and name and subject shall be neglected (not reported to the output).


object IndentAssertionGroupType : IIndentAssertionGroupType

The IAssertionGroupType for IAssertionGroups whose assertions should be displayed with an extra indent.


class InvisibleAssertionGroup : EmptyNameAndSubjectAssertionGroup

Represents an IAssertionGroup with an InvisibleAssertionGroupType, which means the grouping should be invisible in reporting.


object InvisibleAssertionGroupType : IInvisibleAssertionGroupType

The IAssertionGroupType for IAssertionGroups whose grouping behaviour should be kind of invisible to the user.


class LazyThreadUnsafeAssertionGroup : IAssertionGroup

Represents an IAssertionGroup which is evaluated lazily where the lazy loading is not thread safe.


class LazyThreadUnsafeBasicAssertion : IBasicAssertion

Represents an IBasicAssertion which is evaluated lazily where the lazy loading is not thread safe.


object ListAssertionGroupType : IListAssertionGroupType

The IAssertionGroupType for IAssertionGroups whose assertions should be displayed in a list.


class PrefixFailingSummaryAssertion : IBulletPointIdentifier

Represents the identifier for bullet points used to prefix IAssertions which do not hold, in context of an IAssertionGroup with type ISummaryAssertionGroupType.


class PrefixFeatureAssertionGroupHeader : IBulletPointIdentifier

This class is only used as identifier for IAtriumFactory.registerSameLineTextAssertionFormatterCapabilities.


class PrefixSuccessfulSummaryAssertion : IBulletPointIdentifier

Represents the identifier for bullet points used to prefix IAssertions which hold, in context of an IAssertionGroup with type ISummaryAssertionGroupType.


object RootAssertionGroupType : IAssertionGroupType

The IAssertionGroupType for IAssertionGroups which are the root of all assertions.


object SummaryAssertionGroupType : ISummaryAssertionGroupType

The IAssertionGroupType for IAssertionGroups whose assertions should not be filtered (by an IReporter) and for which an IAssertionFormatter should state whether they hold or not.


object WarningAssertionGroupType : IExplanatoryAssertionGroupType

The IAssertionGroupType for IAssertionGroups whose assertions are used to state a warning rather than making an assumption.



fun <T : CharSequence> _containsBuilder(plant: IAssertionPlant<T>): CharSequenceContainsBuilder<T, CharSequenceContainsNoOpSearchBehaviour>


fun <E : Any, T : Iterable<E>> _containsEntriesInAnyOrder(checker: IterableContainsCheckerBuilder<E, T, IterableContainsInAnyOrderSearchBehaviour>, assertionCreator: IAssertionPlant<E>.() -> Unit, otherAssertionCreators: Array<IAssertionPlant<E>.() -> Unit>): IAssertion


fun <E : Any, T : Iterable<E>> _containsEntriesInAnyOrderOnly(builder: IterableContainsBuilder<E, T, IterableContainsInAnyOrderOnlySearchBehaviour>, assertionCreator: IAssertionPlant<E>.() -> Unit, otherAssertionCreators: Array<IAssertionPlant<E>.() -> Unit>): IAssertion


fun <E : Any, T : Iterable<E>> _containsEntriesInOrderOnly(builder: IterableContainsBuilder<E, T, IterableContainsInOrderOnlySearchBehaviour>, assertionCreator: IAssertionPlant<E>.() -> Unit, otherAssertionCreators: Array<IAssertionPlant<E>.() -> Unit>): IAssertion


fun <T : CharSequence> _containsNot(plant: IAssertionPlant<T>, expected: Any, vararg otherExpected: Any): IAssertion
fun <E, T : Iterable<E>> _containsNot(plant: IAssertionPlant<T>, expected: E, vararg otherExpected: E): IAssertion


fun <T : CharSequence> _containsNotDefaultTranslationOf(plant: IAssertionPlant<T>, expected: ITranslatable, vararg otherExpected: ITranslatable): IAssertion


fun <E, T : Iterable<E>> _containsObjectsInAnyOrder(checker: IterableContainsCheckerBuilder<E, T, IterableContainsInAnyOrderSearchBehaviour>, expected: E, otherExpected: Array<out E>): IAssertion


fun <E, T : Iterable<E>> _containsObjectsInAnyOrderOnly(builder: IterableContainsBuilder<E, T, IterableContainsInAnyOrderOnlySearchBehaviour>, expected: E, otherExpected: Array<out E>): IAssertion


fun <E, T : Iterable<E>> _containsObjectsInOrderOnly(builder: IterableContainsBuilder<E, T, IterableContainsInOrderOnlySearchBehaviour>, expected: E, otherExpected: Array<out E>): IAssertion


fun <T : CharSequence> _containsRegex(checker: CharSequenceContainsCheckerBuilder<T, CharSequenceContainsNoOpSearchBehaviour>, expected: Any, otherExpected: Array<out Any>): IAssertionGroup


fun <T : CharSequence> _containsRegexIgnoringCase(checker: CharSequenceContainsCheckerBuilder<T, CharSequenceContainsIgnoringCaseSearchBehaviour>, expected: Any, otherExpected: Array<out Any>): IAssertionGroup


fun <T : CharSequence> _containsValues(checker: CharSequenceContainsCheckerBuilder<T, CharSequenceContainsNoOpSearchBehaviour>, expected: Any, otherExpected: Array<out Any>): IAssertionGroup


fun <T : CharSequence> _containsValuesIgnoringCase(checker: CharSequenceContainsCheckerBuilder<T, CharSequenceContainsIgnoringCaseSearchBehaviour>, expected: Any, otherExpected: Array<out Any>): IAssertionGroup


fun <T : Any, TSub : T> _downCast(description: ITranslatable, subType: KClass<TSub>, subjectPlant: IBaseAssertionPlant<T?, *>, assertionCreator: IAssertionPlant<TSub>.() -> Unit): Unit


fun <T : CharSequence> _endsNotWith(plant: IAssertionPlant<T>, expected: CharSequence): IAssertion


fun <T : CharSequence> _endsWith(plant: IAssertionPlant<T>, expected: CharSequence): IAssertion


fun <T : Collection<*>> _hasSize(plant: IAssertionPlant<T>, size: Int): IAssertion


fun <TSub : Any> _isA(plant: IAssertionPlant<Any>, assertionCreator: IAssertionPlant<TSub>.() -> Unit): Unit


fun <T : CharSequence> _isEmpty(plant: IAssertionPlant<T>): IAssertion


fun <T> _isGreaterOrEquals(plant: IAssertionPlant<T>, expected: T): IAssertion where T : Number, T : Comparable<T>


fun <T> _isGreaterThan(plant: IAssertionPlant<T>, expected: T): IAssertion where T : Number, T : Comparable<T>


fun <T> _isLessOrEquals(plant: IAssertionPlant<T>, expected: T): IAssertion where T : Number, T : Comparable<T>


fun <T> _isLessThan(plant: IAssertionPlant<T>, expected: T): IAssertion where T : Number, T : Comparable<T>


fun <T : CharSequence> _isNotEmpty(plant: IAssertionPlant<T>): IAssertion


fun <T : Any> _isNotNull(plant: IAssertionPlantNullable<T?>, assertionCreator: IAssertionPlant<T>.() -> Unit): Unit


fun <T : Any> _isNotSame(plant: IAssertionPlant<T>, expected: T): IAssertion


fun <T> _isNull(plant: IAssertionPlantNullable<T>): IAssertion


fun <T : Any> _isSame(plant: IAssertionPlant<T>, expected: T): IAssertion


fun <T : Any> _notToBe(plant: IAssertionPlant<T>, expected: T): IAssertion


fun <T : Any, TProperty : Any> _property(plant: IAssertionPlant<T>, property: KProperty0<TProperty>): IAssertionPlant<TProperty>
fun <T : Any, TProperty : Any> _property(plant: IAssertionPlant<T>, property: KProperty0<TProperty>, assertionCreator: IAssertionPlant<TProperty>.() -> Unit): IAssertionPlant<TProperty>


fun <T : Any, TReturnValue : Any> _returnValueOf(plant: IAssertionPlant<T>, method: KFunction0<TReturnValue>): IAssertionPlant<TReturnValue>
fun <T : Any, TReturnValue : Any> _returnValueOf(plant: IAssertionPlant<T>, method: KFunction0<TReturnValue>, assertionCreator: IAssertionPlant<TReturnValue>.() -> Unit): IAssertionPlant<TReturnValue>
fun <T : Any, T1, TReturnValue : Any> _returnValueOf(plant: IAssertionPlant<T>, method: KFunction1<T1, TReturnValue>, arg1: T1): IAssertionPlant<TReturnValue>
fun <T : Any, T1, TReturnValue : Any> _returnValueOf(plant: IAssertionPlant<T>, method: KFunction1<T1, TReturnValue>, arg1: T1, assertionCreator: IAssertionPlant<TReturnValue>.() -> Unit): IAssertionPlant<TReturnValue>
fun <T : Any, T1, T2, TReturnValue : Any> _returnValueOf(plant: IAssertionPlant<T>, method: KFunction2<T1, T2, TReturnValue>, arg1: T1, arg2: T2): IAssertionPlant<TReturnValue>
fun <T : Any, T1, T2, TReturnValue : Any> _returnValueOf(plant: IAssertionPlant<T>, method: KFunction2<T1, T2, TReturnValue>, arg1: T1, arg2: T2, assertionCreator: IAssertionPlant<TReturnValue>.() -> Unit): IAssertionPlant<TReturnValue>
fun <T : Any, T1, T2, T3, TReturnValue : Any> _returnValueOf(plant: IAssertionPlant<T>, method: KFunction3<T1, T2, T3, TReturnValue>, arg1: T1, arg2: T2, arg3: T3): IAssertionPlant<TReturnValue>
fun <T : Any, T1, T2, T3, TReturnValue : Any> _returnValueOf(plant: IAssertionPlant<T>, method: KFunction3<T1, T2, T3, TReturnValue>, arg1: T1, arg2: T2, arg3: T3, assertionCreator: IAssertionPlant<TReturnValue>.() -> Unit): IAssertionPlant<TReturnValue>
fun <T : Any, T1, T2, T3, T4, TReturnValue : Any> _returnValueOf(plant: IAssertionPlant<T>, method: KFunction4<T1, T2, T3, T4, TReturnValue>, arg1: T1, arg2: T2, arg3: T3, arg4: T4): IAssertionPlant<TReturnValue>
fun <T : Any, T1, T2, T3, T4, TReturnValue : Any> _returnValueOf(plant: IAssertionPlant<T>, method: KFunction4<T1, T2, T3, T4, TReturnValue>, arg1: T1, arg2: T2, arg3: T3, arg4: T4, assertionCreator: IAssertionPlant<TReturnValue>.() -> Unit): IAssertionPlant<TReturnValue>
fun <T : Any, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, TReturnValue : Any> _returnValueOf(plant: IAssertionPlant<T>, method: KFunction5<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, TReturnValue>, arg1: T1, arg2: T2, arg3: T3, arg4: T4, arg5: T5): IAssertionPlant<TReturnValue>
fun <T : Any, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, TReturnValue : Any> _returnValueOf(plant: IAssertionPlant<T>, method: KFunction5<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, TReturnValue>, arg1: T1, arg2: T2, arg3: T3, arg4: T4, arg5: T5, assertionCreator: IAssertionPlant<TReturnValue>.() -> Unit): IAssertionPlant<TReturnValue>


fun <T : CharSequence> _startsNotWith(plant: IAssertionPlant<T>, expected: CharSequence): IAssertion


fun <T : CharSequence> _startsWith(plant: IAssertionPlant<T>, expected: CharSequence): IAssertion


fun <T : Any> _toBe(plant: IAssertionPlant<T>, expected: T): IAssertion


fun <TExpected : Throwable> _toThrow(throwableThrownBuilder: ThrowableThrownBuilder, assertionCreator: IAssertionPlant<TExpected>.() -> Unit): Unit