Represents an AssertionFormatter which formats AssertionGroups with type T by using the given assertionPairFormatter to format the group header and using the given bulletPoint
(see constructor) to prefix the AssertionGroup.assertions.
Its usage is intended for text output (e.g. to the console).
The bullet point (might also be more than one character) which shall be used.
The controller to which this formatter gives back the control when it comes to format children of an AssertionGroup.
The formatter which is used to format assertion pairs.
The AssertionGroupType which the concrete subclass canFormat.
Represents an AssertionFormatter which formats AssertionGroups with type T by putting each assertion on an own line prefixed with a bullet point.
Formats the given assertion and appends the result to the sb of the given parameterObject.
Checks whether assertionGroup is T or a sub type and if so, calls formatGroupHeaderAndGetChildParameterObject and uses the resulting child-AssertionFormatterParameterObject to format AssertionGroup.assertions.
Always throws an UnsupportedOperationException, because this AssertionFormatter can only format AssertionGroups.