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abstract fun canFormat(assertion: Assertion): Boolean

Denotes whether this AssertionFormatter was created to format Assertions such as the given assertion or not.

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open fun format(assertion: Assertion, parameterObject: AssertionFormatterParameterObject)

Formats the given assertion and appends the result to the sb of the given parameterObject.

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abstract fun formatGroup(assertionGroup: AssertionGroup, parameterObject: AssertionFormatterParameterObject, formatAssertions: (AssertionFormatterParameterObject, (Assertion) -> Unit) -> Unit)

Formats the given assertionGroup and appends the result to the sb of the given parameterObject.

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abstract fun formatNonGroup(assertion: Assertion, parameterObject: AssertionFormatterParameterObject)

Formats the given assertion and appends the result to the sb of the given parameterObject.