doc / ch.tutteli.atrium.logic

Package ch.tutteli.atrium.logic

Contains all the assertion interfaces (e.g. AnyAssertions as well as _logic and helper functions for AssertionContainer



interface AnyAssertions

Collection of assertion functions and builders which are applicable to any type (sometimes Any? sometimes Any).


interface BigDecimalAssertions

Collection of assertion functions and builders which are applicable to subjects with a BigDecimal type.


interface CharSequenceAssertions

Collection of assertion functions and builders which are applicable to subjects with a CharSequence type.


interface ChronoLocalDateAssertions

Collection of assertion functions and builders which are applicable to subjects with a ChronoLocalDate type.


interface ChronoLocalDateTimeAssertions

Collection of assertion functions and builders which are applicable to subjects with a ChronoLocalDateTime type.


interface ChronoZonedDateTimeAssertions

Collection of assertion functions and builders which are applicable to subjects with a ChronoZonedDateTime type.


interface CollectionLikeAssertions

Collection of assertion functions and builders which are applicable to subjects with a Collection type.


interface ComparableAssertions

Collection of assertion functions and builders which are applicable to subjects with a Comparable type.


interface FeatureAssertions

Collection of functions which help to create feature assertions by returning FeatureExtractorBuilder.ExecutionStep.


interface FloatingPointAssertions

Collection of assertion functions and builders which are applicable to subjects with a floating point number like type (currently Float and Double).


interface FloatingPointJvmAssertions

Collection of assertion functions and builders which are applicable to floating point number like types which are specific to the JVM platform (currently only for BigDecimal).


interface Fun0Assertions

Collection of assertion functions and builders which are applicable to subjects with a kotlin.Function0 type.


interface IterableLikeAssertions

Collection of assertion functions and builders which are applicable to subjects which can be transformed to an Iterable - intended for types which are Iterable like such as Array or Sequence.


interface IteratorAssertions

Collection of assertion functions and builders which are applicable to subjects with an Iterator type.


interface ListAssertions

Collection of assertion functions and builders which are applicable to subjects with a List type.


interface LocalDateAssertions

Collection of assertion functions and builders which are applicable to subjects with a LocalDate type.


interface LocalDateTimeAssertions

Collection of assertion functions and builders which are applicable to subjects with a LocalDateTime type.


interface MapAssertions

Collection of assertion functions and builders which are applicable to subjects with a Map type.


interface MapEntryAssertions

Collection of assertion functions and builders which are applicable to subjects with a Map.Entry type.


interface OptionalAssertions

Collection of assertion functions and builders which are applicable to subjects with an Optional type.


interface PairAssertions

Collection of assertion functions and builders which are applicable to subjects with a Pair type.


interface PathAssertions

Collection of assertion functions and builders which are applicable to subjects with a Path type.


interface ThrowableAssertions

Collection of assertion functions and builders which are applicable to subjects with a Throwable type.


interface ZonedDateTimeAssertions

Collection of assertion functions and builders which are applicable to subjects with a ZonedDateTime type.



val <T> Expect<T>._logic: AssertionContainer<T>

Entry point to the logic level of Atrium -- which is one level deeper than the API -- on which assertion functions do not return Expects but Assertions and the like.

val <T : CharSequence, S : CharSequenceContains.SearchBehaviour> CharSequenceContains.EntryPointStep<T, S>._logic: CharSequenceContains.EntryPointStepLogic<T, S>
val <T : CharSequence, S : CharSequenceContains.SearchBehaviour> WithTimesCheckerStep<T, S>._logic: WithTimesCheckerStepLogic<T, S>
val <T : CharSequence, S : CharSequenceContains.SearchBehaviour> CharSequenceContains.CheckerStep<T, S>._logic: CharSequenceContains.CheckerStepLogic<T, S>

Entry point to the logic level of Atrium -- which is one level deeper than the API -- within the building process of a sophisticated contains assertion for CharSequence.

val <E, T : Any, S : IterableLikeContains.SearchBehaviour> IterableLikeContains.EntryPointStep<E, T, S>._logic: IterableLikeContains.EntryPointStepLogic<E, T, S>
val <E, T : Any, S : IterableLikeContains.SearchBehaviour> WithTimesCheckerStep<E, T, S>._logic: WithTimesCheckerStepLogic<E, T, S>
val <E, T : Any, S : IterableLikeContains.SearchBehaviour> IterableLikeContains.CheckerStep<E, T, S>._logic: IterableLikeContains.CheckerStepLogic<E, T, S>

Entry point to the logic level of Atrium -- which is one level deeper than the API -- within the building process of a sophisticated contains assertion for Iterable.


val <T> AssertionContainer<T>.changeSubject: SubjectChangerBuilder.KindStep<T>

Entry point to use the SubjectChangerBuilder based on this AssertionContainer.


val <T> AssertionContainer<T>.extractFeature: FeatureExtractorBuilder.DescriptionStep<T>

Entry point to use the FeatureExtractorBuilder based on this AssertionContainer.



fun <T> Expect<T>._logicAppend(factory: AssertionContainer<T>.() -> Assertion): Expect<T>

Appends the Assertion the given factory creates based on this Expect.

fun <T : CharSequence, S : CharSequenceContains.SearchBehaviour> CharSequenceContains.CheckerStep<T, S>._logicAppend(factory: CharSequenceContains.CheckerStepLogic<T, S>.() -> Assertion): Expect<T>

Appends the Assertion the given factory creates based on this CharSequenceContains.CheckerStep.

fun <E, T : Any, S : IterableLikeContains.SearchBehaviour> IterableLikeContains.EntryPointStep<E, T, S>._logicAppend(factory: IterableLikeContains.EntryPointStepLogic<E, T, S>.() -> Assertion): Expect<T>

Appends the Assertion the given factory creates based on this IterableLikeContains.EntryPointStep.

fun <E, T : Any, S : IterableLikeContains.SearchBehaviour> IterableLikeContains.CheckerStep<E, T, S>._logicAppend(factory: IterableLikeContains.CheckerStepLogic<E, T, S>.() -> Assertion): Expect<T>

Appends the Assertion the given factory creates based on this IterableLikeContains.CheckerStep.


fun <T> AssertionContainer<T>.collect(assertionCreator: Expect<T>.() -> Unit): Assertion

Use this function if you want to make Assertions about a feature or you perform a type transformation or any other action which results in an assertion container being created and you do not require this resulting container.


fun <T, R> TransformationExecutionStep<T, R, *>.collectAndLogicAppend(assertionCreator: AssertionContainer<R>.() -> Assertion): Expect<T>

Finishes the transformation process by appending the Assertion which is returned when calling TransformationExecutionStep.collectAndAppend with _logicAppend and the given assertionCreator.


fun <T> collectForComposition(maybeSubject: Option<T>, assertionCreator: Expect<T>.() -> Unit): List<Assertion>

Use this function if you want to collect Assertions and use it as part of an AssertionGroup.


fun <T> AssertionContainer<T>.createDescriptiveAssertion(description: Translatable, representation: Any?, test: (T) -> Boolean): Assertion

Creates a DescriptiveAssertion based on the given description, representation and test.


fun <T, R> AssertionContainer<T>.genericSubjectBasedFeature(provider: (T) -> MetaFeature<R>): FeatureExtractorBuilder.ExecutionStep<T, R>


fun <T, R> AssertionContainer<T>.manualFeature(description: String, provider: T.() -> R): FeatureExtractorBuilder.ExecutionStep<T, R>

Convenience method to pass a String as description which is wrapped into an Untranslatable instead of passing a Translatable.


fun <T> Expect<T>.toAssertionContainer(): AssertionContainer<T>

Casts this Expect to an AssertionContainer so that you have access to the functionality provided on the logic level.


fun <T> AssertionContainer<T>.toExpect(): Expect<T>

Casts this AssertionContainer back to an Expect so that you can use it in places where an Expect is used.